Decrementing while loop in c - Stack Overflow
2011年9月30日 · Is it possible to decrement the array size in a while loop in C by more than x--. For example, can you decrement an array by a third of the array size with each iteration? int n = 10; while (n &...
python - Decrementing for loops - Stack Overflow
Decrementing for loops [duplicate] Ask Question Asked 14 years ago. Modified 7 years, 4 months ago. Viewed ...
Efficient methods for Incrementing and Decrementing in the same …
Suppose some situations exist where you would like to increment and decrement values in the same for loop. In this set of situations, there are some cases where you can "cheat" this by taking adva...
incrementing/decrementing n-bit binary by recursion (algorithm)
2016年9月26日 · I have a homework problem in which We're supposed to come up with a recursive algorithm for finding seven permutations of an n-bit binary number, starting with 0 (e.g. if n=4 then the starting numb...
xcode - Decrement a For Loop? - Stack Overflow
Swift 2.2 decrementing specific for loop in Swift 3. Hot Network Questions
c++ - Decrementing an iterator - Stack Overflow
2013年9月20日 · Decrementing an off the end iterator. 5. Increment an iterator c++. 4. Increment/Decrement for Vector ...
Behaviour of increment and decrement operators in Python
2009年9月28日 · @mehaase ++ and -- don't exist in c "as syntactic sugar for pointer arithmetic", they exist because many processors have automatic increment and decrement memory access mechanisms (in general pointer indexing, stack indexing) as part of their native instruction set.
Decrementing iterator from end() iterator in binary search tree
If you want your iterator to be a bidirectional iterator you’ll need to provide the necessary information to find the last node of the tree in the iterator returned by end().
c++ - Decrementing an off the end iterator - Stack Overflow
2012年8月21日 · OK, if you revert it then I won't edit-war. However, no standard algorithm will wind an iterator back prior to the start point of the range it has been instructed to operate on, so although --end might be valid for some empty input ranges, the algorithm won't perform it and so it isn't required to be valid.
java - Best idiom for a decrementing loop - Stack Overflow
2009年12月6日 · A decrementing for loop is hardly difficult to understand as the -- instead of ++ will be an immediate visual clue. – user15299 Commented Dec 2, 2009 at 13:50