Super Sonic vs Dark Sonic. Which form is stronger?
2022年5月28日 · yeah and i think dark sonic is stronger because sonic didn't even use any emeralds when he turned dark super sonic its just happend when he was pissed off like in …
Would you rather see dark sonic or hyper sonic appear in the
I have heard in the past that Dark Sonic and Dark Super Sonic are two different things, which is based on absolutely nothing except fandom wishes, but even in that case, Dark Super Sonic …
Who would win in a fight? Fleetway Super Sonic Or Dark Sonic?
2022年5月1日 · Dark Sonic is only really comparable to Shadow with his Hero/Dark auras, since it's Sonic doing the same trick of manifesting a chaos infused emotion-aura, but from the …
(repost) Who would win? No holding back Dark sonic vs super
Dark Sonic is from the Sonic X continuity where Shadow is depicted as being far more powerful and a better fighter than Sonic. In their final fight in that series, Shadow takes Sonic easily out …
Super Shadow vs Dark Sonic (by trunks24) : r/SonicTheHedgehog
2022年10月30日 · The two forms are equal in power. Much like Base Shadow vs Base Sonic, Super Shadow vs Super Sonic, or (hypothetical) Dark Super Shadow vs Dark Super Sonic, it …
Why does the Sonic fandom love Dark Sonic so much?
2023年3月25日 · Dark Sonic is literally just the opposite of super Sonic, Sonic using the negative energy of the emeralds as opposed to the positive energy. It’s not only super possible, but …
Why isn't Dark Super Sonic touched at all in the series?
It could have been visited thanks to Sonic Adventure 1; Perfect Chaos was formed from the "negative power" of the Chaos Emeralds, presumably Super Sonic is formed from the "positive …
Dark Sonic’s powers : r/SonicX - Reddit
2023年12月8日 · Super Sonic and Dark Sonic have the exact same powers, Super Sonic uses positive chaos energy, which comes from positive feelings (love, happiness), while Dark Sonic …
dark Sonic is stronger than super Sonic : r/SonicTheHedgehog
2022年12月18日 · Actually the fake emeralds can disable chaos energy so dark sonic can disable or destroy chaos energy And also Dark Sonic is made out of negative energy which is stronger …
Any One Else Remember Dark Sonic? : r/SonicTheHedgehog - Reddit
"Ha, Dark Super Sonic isn't THAT old! Sonic X was around the early-to-mid 2000s. Season 3 was before Sonic 06 and Shadow the hedgehog, which would make it..." "Oh my." Dark Super …