Bodhidharma - Wikipedia
Bodhidharma's name appears sometimes truncated as Bodhi, or more often as Dharma (Ta-mo). In the first case, it may be confused with another of his rivals, Bodhiruci. [85] Tibetan sources give his name as "Bodhidharmottara" or "Dharmottara", that is, "Highest teaching (dharma) of enlightenment". [15]
Bodhidharma - The Life of the legendary Da Mo, founder of …
While most accounts agree that Da Mo or Bodhidharma did make it to the temple of Shao Lin (Shaolin), how the monks greeted him is a subject of contention. By some accounts, he was greeted and chose to meditate in a cave on the mountain beneath which the temple stood.
The Story of Bodhidharma - USA Shaolin Temple. Official Website
In China, he was known as Da Mo. Da Mo arrived in China practicing Da Sheng (Mahayana) Buddhism. When Da Mo arrived, he was greeted by a large crowd of people who had heard of the famous Buddhist master and wished to hear him speak.
da mo — Star Myths of the World
The ancient connection between Chan Buddhism and the practice of martial arts as a form of spiritual elevation and blessing can be traced directly back to the texts and traditions surrounding the figure of Bodhidharma, also called Da Mo in China (and Daruma in Japan), who according to tradition brought both to China.
达摩院 - Alibaba
阿里巴巴达摩院(Alibaba DAMO Academy for Discovery, Adventure, Momentum and Outlook)是一家致力于探索科技未知,以人类愿景为驱动力的,立足于基础科学、创新性技术和应用技术的研究院。
达摩 祖师原是南印度国的三王子,父王将王位传给他而不是两位哥哥,但当父王病危时,大哥却派人暗杀已抢夺王位。 後经 般若多罗 法师的指点,看破名与利,决心拜师潜佛。 起初师父要达摩祖师自盖 自修室 以表求佛之心,但这过程中不断有考验,盖了又坏坏了又盖,後来悟到佛在自己的 …
The Story of Da Mo - Master Dennis Kelly
2017年4月28日 · Da Mo was a prince of a small tribe in southern India. It was believed he was born bout 483 A.D. At that time India was considered a spiritual center by the Chinese.
達摩的解释|達摩的意思|汉典“達摩”词语的解释 - 漢典
1.[梵dharma]法。引申为法子,办法。 2.亦作"达"﹑"达磨"。菩提达摩的省称,天竺高僧,本名菩提多罗。于南朝梁普通元年入中国,梁武帝迎至建康。
Qigong Secret of Youth 3rd. ed.: Da Mo's Muscle/Tendon …
2022年11月1日 · For over one thousand years, Bodhidharma's (Da Mo) timeless qigong classics have been considered the key to enlightenment and long-lasting youth. This third edition includes Updated pinyin that includes diacritical tonal marks (for proper pronunciation of Chinese words).
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Da Mo
2011年10月29日 · The Indian Buddhist monk Da Mo Or as he is also known, Bodhidharma, Bodhitara, P'u-t'i Ta-mo, Ta-mo, Bodai Daruma, and Daruma to mention a few of his names... "The essence of the Way is detachment. And the goal of …
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