Adult Protective Services (APS) | DSHS
Adult Protective Services (APS) is dedicated to serving vulnerable adults. We investigate reports about abuse, abandonment, neglect, exploitation and self-neglect of vulnerable adults in Washington State.
Report Concerns Involving Vulnerable Adults | DSHS
All reports will be screened by Adult Protective Services and/or Residential Care Services. If the person is in immediate danger, call 911. You do not need proof to report suspected abuse and you do not need to give your name.
Human Services Resources – City of Kirkland - Kirkland, Washington
Adult Protective Services (APS) If you suspect abuse of a vulnerable adult in Washington State call the statewide abuse hotline number or visit the website below. Website: www.dshs.wa.gov/altsa
What to Expect from APS | DSHS - Washington
APS will: Determine if an investigation by APS is appropriate under the law. Report suspected criminal activity to law enforcement. Interview the alleged victim, alleged perpetrator, witnesses, and any other person relevant to the situation.
What Happens After You Contact Adult Protective Services (APS)
On the legal front, APS may report the alleged abuser to law enforcement, help get an emergency protective order, an injunction to allow access to an alleged victim or referral for legal assistance. In extreme cases, APS may work with the Attorney General’s office to appoint a guardian.
Reporting Abuse as a Mandatory Reporter | DSHS - Washington
Make an online report to Adult Protective Services (APS) if the person you suspect is being abused, neglected, abandoned, or exploited is living in their own home or somewhere other than a long-term care setting listed above. You can also …
Connections Kirkland
Connections Kirkland crisis response center is open 24/7/365. The center offers a range of services for adults in crisis, including walk-in mental health urgent care, stabilization units, extended stabilization units, and outpatient recovery services.
Adult Protective Services | DSHS
Adult Protective Services (APS) is dedicated to serving vulnerable adults. We investigate reports about abuse, abandonment, neglect, exploitation and self-neglect of vulnerable adults in Washington State.
Adult Protective Services – Help Protect Vulnerable Adults | DSHS
Keep a watchful eye on family, friends and neighbors who may be vulnerable. Understand that abuse, neglect and exploitation can happen to anyone. Know what to look for. Speak up if you have concerns. Trust your instincts! Help limit the vulnerable adult’s isolation. Discuss options with him or her and encourage them to stay in contact with others.
Prosecuting Attorney’s Office - King County
Then report the abuse to the Washington State Department of Health and Human Services (DSHS), Adult Protective Services (APS) by: Calling 1-877-734-6277. TTY line 1-833-866-5595; Emailing [email protected]; Faxing 1-833-866-5590; On the reporting website