What's the meaning of '@' in a DNS zone file? - Server Fault
Yeah, much of that is up to the implementation of the DNS tool. You'll see the @ when you work with the DNS files directly, but you'll rarely see it in the various DNS tools. The DNS tools try to simplify the UI. From your messages it sounds like you have it working one way but not another so I recommend going with the way that it does work.
What does @ mean in a hostname in DNS configuration?
2019年3月5日 · Normally the name used for a DNS record indicates everything before the name of the zone (commonly called the "domain name"). So if you enter a record named "server01" in a DNS zone called "example.com.", then the full record is "server01.example.com."
What do all the settings in the Advanced TCP/IP Properties DNS …
For example, if your primary DNS suffix is somesub.mydomain.com then it will append .mydomain.com and .com to queries. Append these DNS suffixes (in order) This is a list that you can define of additional suffixes to add to queries. DNS suffix for this connection This is the DNS domain that you want that connection to be associated with.
What does the "IN" mean in a zone file? - Server Fault
2011年1月10日 · That is referring to the DNS class. 'IN' refers to 'Internet' while the only other option in common use is 'CH' for 'CHAOS'. The CH class is (presently) commonly used for things like querying DNS server versions, while the IN class is …
DNS - NSLOOKUP what is the meaning of the non-authoritative …
2012年8月1日 · Basically, it's what the name says it is. An authoritative answer comes from a nameserver that is considered authoritative for the domain which it's returning a record for (one of the nameservers in the list for the domain you did a lookup on), and a non-authoritative answer comes from anywhere else (a nameserver not in the list for the domain you did a lookup on).
networking - What is DNS Delegation? - Server Fault
How does it work? You simply put a piece of information in your DNS records that says "for information regarding def.abc.com please ask the DNS server hisdnsserver.def.abc.com.". Of course, to query that server one needs to know the IP-address of hisdnsserver.def.abc.com.. That's what glue records are for.
domain name system - How does DNS nameserver fall back work?
Just to clarify, for those less versed in DNS setups (it took me a while to understand this) the DNS name servers Z and Y in this example are most likely recursive name servers based in the client's network, e.g. the DNS servers an ISP provides to its customers via DHCP.
What is the difference between DNS alias name and primary DNS …
2012年10月5日 · It is defined in the DNS server so the host can be reached using its "normal" name (record type A on the DNS server) and using the alias name (record type CNAME on the DNS server). If you change the host's IP, the alias (or all the aliases) will stay correct without doing anything, you only need to change the A record of the host.
domain name system - BIND/DNS Zone meaning of "IN" - Server …
BIND/DNS Zone meaning of "IN" Ask Question Asked 12 years, 11 months ago. Modified 12 years, 11 months ago.
What is the name for a DNS record starting with - Server Fault
I know that DNS records starting with * are called Wildcard records. What is the name for DNS record starting with @ (the at symbol). This is a record for the root domain (e.g. just example.com, not www.example.com) I want to find out more, but searching for "@ record dns" in Google doesn't return any useful results.