德美长杆次口径尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹的发展 - 哔哩哔哩
DM13是德国人为RH120研制的第一款120毫米APFSDS。 它由脱壳穿甲弹丸、钢底半可燃药筒和发射药组成。 DM13的脱壳穿甲弹丸包括弹套、尾翼、弹芯和装在弹底的曳光装置等部件。 …
Rheinmetall Rh-120 - Wikipedia
A further development, called the DM63, improved upon the round by introducing a new temperature-independent propellant, which allows the propellant to have a constant pattern of …
120×570mm NATO - Wikipedia
120×570mm NATO tank ammunition (4.7 inch), also known as 120×570mmR, is a common, NATO -standard (STANAG 4385), tank gun semi-combustible cartridge used by 120mm …
Large calibre – weapons and ammunition - Rheinmetall
Rheinmetall has developed the world's first temperature-independent high-performance tank ammunition, the DM 63 and DM 53 A1 (the latter is an upgraded version of the DM 53).
propulsion unit. The high pressure level of the L55A1 gun is used to achieve a higher muzzle velocity with respect to the DM63A1 in an L55 weapon, and thereby increase the range of …
15式輕型戰車迷思破除:過分誇張的防護與火力 - 尖端科技 軍事資 …
拖式飛彈在TOW2 (含)之後,可以擊破900mm厚的等效RHA,TOW2A更可使爆炸反應裝甲 (ERA)無效化後再擊破900mm,至於我國CM11、M60A3所發射的DM63 APFSDS則可在2公 …
120mm Tank Gun KE Ammunition - Defense Update:
Nov 22, 2006 · DM63 KE Cartridge (Rheinmetall) The DM63 round is based on the DM53, with modified propulsion-based Temperature Independent Propulsion System (TIPS) utilizing the …
德国投产新一代DM63 120毫米坦克炮弹(附图)_新浪军事_新浪网
Aug 14, 2005 · DM-63采用了基于表面涂层双基技术 (SCDB)的新型独立温度推进系统 (temperature independent propulsion system, TIPS),新型推进系统的性能与DM-53相似但是 …
穿甲弹的级别到现在是怎么分的,M829A4和DM63 ... - 知乎
DM53/63与M829A2/A3不属于同一种技术的穿甲弹,穿甲弹穿甲本质是靠动能,但关键技术还有材料性能,DM53/63属于变性能穿甲弹,也就是穿杆不同部位有不同的硬度和韧性,利于在动能 …
【翻译】莱茵金属Rh-120坦克炮介绍 - 哔哩哔哩
另一种更先进的弹药,dm63,使用了一种新的与温度无关的发射药。 该发射药可以在炮管内的环境温度中(−47摄氏度(−53华氏度)至+71摄氏度(160华氏度))保持恒定的膨胀模式。