New flight mode speed question - World of Warcraft Forums
2022年12月17日 · Does crusader aura (paladins), DK mount speed and ma’ghar racial affect the speed of new flight mode in dragonflight?
I am sick of DK Zerg - Multiplayer Discussion - Hearthstone Forums
2025年1月23日 · Again, has anyone at this game company ever done some balance testing before the launch of new mini expansion ? They are just too OP. There are so many ways to get a lot of Infestors. Brood Queen can spawn Lava which will eventually transforms into Infestor Infestor itself costs only 3 mana to play. Viper can make Infestors reborn again. Orbital Moon, …
Zekvir ? as Unholy DK - Death Knight - World of Warcraft Forums
2024年10月15日 · Im struggling to get this guy down on ?? difficulty. I can manage to get him about halfway before getting screwed by rng add/ability placement. Anyone been able to complete this and have any tips? Talent setup, etcetera?
Ty Blizzard for DK intro area skip - World of Warcraft Forums
2023年7月7日 · It might be a feature that’s been in the game for awhile, but I wasn’t aware of it. I have Alliance DK’s where I’ve already gone thru the intro starting area (which I hate), and I decided to create a Panda DK, and it gave me a little one minute intro quest/story and then bam ! right to SW, no intro area to have to repeat, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS! I wasn’t …
Can a fresh Death Knight leave the starter zone without doing the ...
2023年10月24日 · Want to get a new DK out of the zone without leveling past 10 for a locked exp dungeon farmer. Pretty sure Exiles Reach is a no go, but wasn’t sure about DK, thanks.
"Best DK Names" Thread: The Good, The Great and The "Punny"
2020年10月27日 · For many of us, a lot of thought goes into finding the perfect names for our virtual alter-egos… Countless hours spent staring at the character creation screen, entering variation on variation of class-relevant words and phrases to find the one that has yet to be claimed. This thread is to dedicated to recognizing the greatest of us overthinkers and …
Death Knights in SoD - Season of Discovery - World of Warcraft …
2024年12月24日 · Can we please get Death Knights in SoD now? Makes all the sense in the world since we’re going into Naxx soon and they are in Naxx (so lore wise they fit). Use WotLK talent trees with shortened talents and the missing abilities from shortening of the talents as runes. Also make Blood an actual physical dps spec like it was originally and buff Scourge …
What the hell happened to Blood DK? - Death Knight - World of …
2024年11月10日 · I keep losing aggro and am hyper squishy. Like worse than Monk squishy. Do the Devs just want us not playing DK this exp or something? Still leveling from 79 to 80 but it feels horrible in leveling dungeons. Blood Boil does not snap aggro and Vamp Strike doesnt cleave which means the procs make trouble in mob control.
[Alliance] DK or Pally more suited to WotLK lore and campaign …
2025年2月15日 · Human DK or Pally would be fitting. WoTLK focused a lot on Human stuff Alliance side.
Wanting to start a DK Vulpera - World of Warcraft Forums
2020年4月21日 · I was really hoping to start a DK Vulpera, but there seems to be a lot of differing opinions on whether or not a DK can unlock a races heritage armor. I know they will be able to in 9.0, given the fact that hero classes start at level 10, but I’d prefer not to wait another year to have my Vulpera DK. If it’s not possible, it should be. It takes a matter of 2-3 hours to go from 20-58. …