Safe Materials to Build a Wood Smoker/Smokehouse
2022年1月3日 · Here is what I am thinking: 3' deep x 3' wide x 5' high smokehouse, pine or cedar 2x4 frame (untreated wood) with double walled construction with insulation in between (fiberglass, ceramic fiber, mineral wool, or sheep's wool), 1/2" cement board (Hardie Backer, other brands?) for reflecting heat, and high-temp silicone sealant for the inside seams.
Cedar and cinder block smokehouse build - Smoking Meat Forums
2016年12月8日 · After many moons of trying to convince my darlin Bride that I needed a new offset smoker, she asked my why I didn't just build one. The truth is, I hadn't even thought about it until then. I've built most of the furniture in our house, yet never even considered building my …
Propane SmokeHouse Build - Smoking Meat Forums
2017年3月23日 · The smokehouse will be 4x4x8. (peak to floor base). The general construction will be 2x4. The entire inside of the smokehouse will be lined with cement board. The walls will be insulated. The outside walls will most likely be tongue and groove cedar/pine or I am thinking about a hardyboard cement siding.
Cedar smokehouse construction - Smoking Meat Forums
2012年11月15日 · I started construction on a new smokehouse several weeks ago. Its going slow, never seem to have enough time to work on it. Im making it out of ceder, it will sit on a row or 2 of cinder blocks and have a seperate firebox with smoke/heat piped in. My plan is to have this function as a hot smoker AND a cold smoker when I need it.
Old fashioned cold smokehouse - Smoking Meat Forums
2013年10月28日 · You can get a lot of meat in a smokehouse that's 24" x 24" or 30" x 30" and 6.5 feet tall.
Another DIY smoke generator - Smoking Meat Forums
2013年7月16日 · After watching a few youtube videos I decided this style looked like what I was looking for. I hastily built a prototype tonight after work. Is is built from 3/4" pipe with 1/4" pipe inside the 3/4" barrel. The air is supplied via an air compressor with …
I need advice on electric element in smokehouse?? - Smoking …
2013年5月21日 · I am getting ready to build a smokehouse and have decided to go electric for safety issues and so I can use a PID controller. I need some advice on how big of an element I will need. The house will be 30"X30"X72" (inside dimensions), it will be lined with Durock (concrete backerboard) and well insulated.
Wood stove for smokehouse? - Smoking Meat Forums
2020年4月13日 · New to the forum and am in the early stages of planning a smokehouse build. I was wondering if a wood stove set lower than the house with the exhaust piped into the smokehouse would work for a firebox? just looking for something a little easier and quicker than a buried flue pipe and masonry fire box.
How to heat a large smokehouse - Smoking Meat Forums
2020年1月23日 · We are a small family run farm with an on-farm processing facility for our meat. We have an 8 x 8 x 8 foot insulated cement block smokehouse that we smoke hams, bacons and sausage in. Our problem is getting the temperature up to 200F and holding it there for the correct time for hot smoking.
Build A Smokehouse Or. - Smoking Meat Forums
2023年8月8日 · Doing a search for small home built smokehouse I ran across my PA smokehouse on the morning chores site, shown at #16. I wish I saved the drawings I penciled in on the square of plywood. 23 Awesome DIY Smokehouse Plans You Can Build in the Backyard