DEC2 Gene: Short Sleep Mutation - Genetic Lifehacks
Apr 7, 2021 · Are you naturally a short sleeper? Mutations in the DEC2 gene decrease the need to sleep. Here's how to check your 23andMe / AncestryDNA data.
The Transcriptional Repressor DEC2 Regulates Sleep Length in …
We have identified a mutation in a transcriptional repressor (hDEC2-P385R) that is associated with a human short sleep phenotype. Activity profiles and sleep recordings of transgenic mice carrying this mutation showed increased vigilance time and less sleep time than control mice in a zeitgeber time– and sleep deprivation–dependent manner.
Familial natural short sleep - Wikipedia
Familial natural short sleep is a rare, genetic, typically inherited trait where an individual sleeps for fewer hours than average without suffering from daytime sleepiness or other consequences of sleep deprivation.
《细胞》子刊:只需睡4小时的基因被找到了!华人科学家又发现 …
Sep 2, 2019 · 近日,加州大学旧金山分校的Guangsen Shi、Louis Ptáček和傅嫈惠等 发现了迄今为止第二个短睡基因——突变的ADRB1。 携带这种基因突变的人,每天只需要睡4~6小时。 该研究发表在 Neuron 上 [1]。 (来自pixabay.com) 据说,一个人一生有三分之一的时间是在睡眠中度过的。 按照80岁的寿命来计算的话,躺在床上的时间几乎要有10000天。 所以说,买一张好床是很有必要的。 不过,也总有些人看起来跟铁打的似的,天天晚睡早起还能精力充沛。 比如达芬 …
Dec1 and Dec2 are regulators of the mammalian molecular clock
Oct 24, 2002 · We found that Dec1 and Dec2, basic helix–loop–helix transcription factors, repressed Clock/Bmal1-induced transactivation of the mouse Per1 promoter through direct protein–protein interactions...
DEC2 modulates orexin expression and regulates sleep - PNAS
DEC2 is a transcription factor regulating the circadian clock in mammals, although its role in sleep regulation has been unclear. Here we report that prepro-orexin, also known as hypocretin (Hcrt), gene expression is increased in the mouse model expressing the mutant hDEC2 transgene (hDEC2-P384R).
你身上有携带这些基因吗? - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
经过大量研究,2009年,第一个短睡眠基因——DEC2被发现,也被称为撒切尔基因。 它能调节哺乳动物的睡眠长度,携带 DEC2基因 的特定突变的人,平均每晚只需要睡6.25小时,而缺乏这种基因突变的人需要平均8小时以上的睡眠。 而针对于一个连续三代短睡眠家族展开研究,得出的突变睡眠基因ADRB1,有助于大脑保持被唤醒的状态,即更长时间保持清醒。 少眠基因ABCC9则相对更加普遍存在,有这种基因的人会相比其他人“贪睡”半小时。 尽管影响睡眠的基因非常多,但 …
生物钟基因DEC2调控睡眠的机制 - 百度百科
《生物钟基因DEC2调控睡眠的机制》是依托华中科技大学,由张珞颖担任项目负责人的面上项目。 睡眠是一项基本的生命过程。 所有仔细研究过的动物,从蠕虫到人类,都具有睡眠或类似睡眠的行为。 缺乏睡眠会损害认知功能并增加罹患多种疾病的风险。 尽管睡眠极为重要,睡眠的调控机制(尤其是分子机制)知之不多。 申请者致力于睡眠调控机制的研究,本人所在实验室的前期研究发现生物钟基因DEC2的一个突变(DEC2-P384R)与人类少眠表型相关。 携带此DEC2突 …
The transcriptional repressor DEC2 regulates sleep length in …
Aug 14, 2009 · We have identified a mutation in a transcriptional repressor (hDEC2-P385R) that is associated with a human short sleep phenotype. Activity profiles and sleep recordings of transgenic mice carrying this mutation showed increased vigilance time and less sleep time than control mice in a zeitgeber time- and sleep deprivation-dependent manner.
DEC2 modulates orexin expression and regulates sleep
Mar 27, 2018 · DEC2 is a transcription factor regulating the circadian clock in mammals, although its role in sleep regulation has been unclear. Here we report that prepro-orexin, also known as hypocretin (Hcrt), gene expression is increased in the mouse model expressing the mutant hDEC2 transgene (hDEC2-P384R).