约 942,000 个结果
- The D13 chord contains the notes D, F#, A, C and B. It is produced by taking the 1 (root), 3, 5, b7 and 13 of the D Major scale. It is essentially a D dominant 7 chord with an added 13.了解详细信息:The D13 chord contains the notes D, F#, A, C and B. It is produced by taking the 1 (root), 3, 5, b7 and 13 of the D Major scale. It is essentially a D dominant 7 chord with an added 13.onlineguitarbooks.com/d13-chord/The D dominant thirteenth Chord for Guitar has the notes D F# A C E G B and interval structure 1 3 5 b7 9 11 13 and has 6 possible voicings/fret configurations.www.scales-chords.com/chord/guitar/D13
D Dominant Seventh Flat Thirteen Added (D7(b13)) chords on guitar
D13 Chord On The Guitar – Diagrams, Finger Positions …
The D13 chord contains the notes D, F#, A, C and B. It is produced by taking the 1 (root), 3, 5, b7 and 13 of the D Major scale. It is essentially a D dominant 7 …
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D7 (b13) Chord on Guitar
D7b13 chord on Guitar | musmath
D7 (b9,b13) Chord on Guitar
D flat 7(b13) guitar chord charts - fachords.com
Db 13 chord on guitar: diagrams and theory
Master the Db 13 chord with our expert guide. Learn the composition of this Dominant Chord, its notes Db, F, Ab, Cb, Eb, Gb, Bb, and intervals 1, 3, 5, b7, 9, 11, 13. Enhance your guitar skills today!
D7 (13) = D13 Chord on Guitar
The D Dominant seventh flat thirteenth chord - D7b13