Heavy water - Wikipedia
Deuterium is a heavy hydrogen isotope. Heavy water contains deuterium atoms and is used in nuclear reactors. Semiheavy water (HDO) is more common than pure heavy water, while heavy-oxygen water is denser but lacks unique properties. Tritiated water is …
Can You Drink Heavy Water? - Deuterium Oxide Safety
2020年1月28日 · Heavy water has the same chemical formula as any other water—H 2 O—with the exception that one or both of the hydrogen atoms are the deuterium isotope of hydrogen rather than the regular protium isotope (which is why heavy water is also known as deuterated water or D 2 O).
Heavy water | Definition, Formula, Preparation, & Facts | Britannica
2025年2月8日 · heavy water (D2O), water composed of two atoms of deuterium, the hydrogen isotope with a mass double that of ordinary hydrogen, and one atom of oxygen. (Ordinary water has a composition represented by H 2 O.)
Heavy Water (Deuterium Oxide): Properties, Uses, Reactions
2023年7月3日 · Heavy water, scientifically called deuterium oxide, is a variant of water wherein the regular hydrogen atoms are replaced by heavy hydrogen, commonly known as deuterium. Alternatively, it can be expressed as 2H 2 O or D 2 O.
Can You Drink Heavy Water? Is It Safe? - Science Notes and …
2020年7月15日 · Heavy water is water in which the usual hydrogen atoms in H 2 O are replaced by deuterium atoms to form D 2 O. Regular hydrogen atoms (the protium isotope) contain one proton and no neutrons, while deuterium atoms contain one proton and one neutron.
Deuterium Oxide | H2O | CID 24602 - PubChem
Deuterium Oxide is a stable, non-radioactive isotopic form of water, containing 2 atoms of deuterium (D) and one atom of oxygen (2D2O), with DNA-labeling activity. Upon ingestion of deuterium oxide, 2H is incorporated into the deoxyribose moiety of DNA of newly divided cells.
Deuterium oxide - American Chemical Society
2018年10月15日 · Deuterium oxide (D 2 O), aka “heavy water”, is the form of water that contains two atoms of the 2 H, or D, isotope. The term heavy water is also used for water in which 2 H atoms replace only some of the 1 H atoms. In this case, rapid exchange between the two isotopes forms twice as many “semiheavy” HDO molecules as D 2 O.
Heavy water (D2O) - NRC.gov
2021年3月9日 · Water containing significantly more than the natural proportions (one in 6,500) of heavy hydrogen (deuterium, D) atoms to ordinary hydrogen atoms. Heavy water is used as a moderator in some reactors because it slows down neutrons effectively and also has a low probability of absorption of neutrons.
Heavy Water - Thermophysical Properties - The Engineering ToolBox
Thermodynamic properties of heavy water (D2O) like density, melting temperature, boiling temperature, latent heat of fusion, latent heat of evaporation, critical temperature and more.
How Is ‘Heavy’ Water Different From Regular Water? - Science …
2023年10月19日 · Heavy water or deuterium oxide (d2o) is a liquid with similar chemical properties to regular water but has different uses due to its greater mass and density.