Honda Civic D16Z6 vs D16Y8 Engines
Mar 10, 2015 · The D16Y8 engine is a 1.6 liter, 16 valve, SOHC VTEC that produces 127 horsepower at 6,600 RPM and 107 lb-ft of torque at 5,500 RPM in stock form. The engine redlines at 6,800 RPM and has a rev limit of 7,200 RPM. In contrast, the D16Z6 VTEC produced 125 horsepower at 6,600 RPM and 106 lb-ft of torque at 5,200 RPM.
Stock Internal D16z6 TURBO | HondaSwap.com
Apr 13, 2007 · I swaped my 1992 civic cx very easily with the d16z6. Pulls a lot harder then the stock d15 and i have a skunk2 chipped ecu with dual vtec points lot more power then stock p28. I would like to stay d series just because when i smoke fools and say i have a sohc they laugh and say "ya RIGHT". then...
D16z6 upgrades.... - HondaSwap.com
Oct 16, 2006 · the higher the redline the faster the belts go. the reason they don't turbo old v8s and v6s is because it doesn't work very well with carbed engines and supercharging is a lot easier to do. it doesn't require as much to put a supercharger on a car. and also, the amount of psi going into a supercharger is determined by the pulley you put on the supercharger. retard.
D16Z6 TIMING - HondaSwap.com
Apr 12, 2004 · To time a d16z6 which mark do you go off of the main crank pully, assuming the timing belt was put on currect. I think I did it wrong, using the ignition timing mark instead of the other mark that is there. It is running fine, but there is an extremely annoying whiney noise coming from this area. I have since after driving it parked the car.
from d16z6 to b16 - HondaSwap.com
Apr 13, 2012 · yes my d16z6 swap is perfect-complete if i do the swap to go b series i must find a vti conversion 160 hp b16a2()its going to be cheaper right?) but its gonna be complete with engine driveshafts altenator axles.engine mounts+++++etc i alredy have a p28 ecu do i keep it or i …
Best Setups For All D16Z6 Motor - HondaSwap.com
Jan 7, 2007 · I am just looking for some very very very nice setups for an all d16z6 motor. Something very performanced and yet not hard on the engine. Just looking for some really good idea's because I have an si motor just sitting around and now I decided to rebuild it. Im talking about the whole 9 yards.
D16z6 ECU options? - HondaSwap.com
Jun 24, 2011 · D16z6 Edelbrock Build teald16z6; Jul 16, 2010; Forced Induction; Replies 14 Views 5K. Sep 11, 2010. Dual ...
D16z6 swap in EF hatch - HondaSwap.com
Feb 5, 2007 · 88 civic dx d16z6 swap NEW 88hondapower; Jul 27, 2013; HYBRID -> ED-EF / DA; Replies 9 Views 4K. Aug 22, 2013.
FAQ: D15 SOHC VTEC Mini-Me : Massive Write-Up (56k Goodbye)
Jul 5, 2003 · This is a write-up based on a 1992 D16Z6 head being bolted onto a 1993 Civic LX with a D15B7 block. Like Spade’s SOHC Upgrades thread, this is a continual work in progress. If you are thinking about doing a mini-me swap on your 92 …
D16Y7 to D16Z6 Swap Help??? - HondaSwap.com
Sep 21, 2010 · the d16z6 was the predecessor to the d16y8, for the EX trim civic. yes, it has a little more power than the d16y7. the EX transmission would be an improvement too, if its in good condition here is a pic of mine: