D.R.G.M Numbers & D.R.P Numbers - NAWCC Forums
2009年5月16日 · The D.R.G.M. signifies "Deutsche Reich Gebraumeister" and is a design or use patent somewhat similar a "Registered" mark that provides an initial three years protection …
d.r.g.m clock - NAWCC Forums
2014年3月10日 · I just purchased D.R.G.M clock with number 032800 below the D.R.G.M inscription and it has a musical box. Can anyone please tell me where it was fabricated. I think …
D.R.G.M numbers - NAWCC Forums
2019年7月13日 · I got two beautiful clocks for my birthday a grandfather circa 1850 and a grandmother, at a guess is 1920-30. The Grandmother clock has the mark DRGM 23170. I …
D.R.P.&G.M. Alarm Clock - NAWCC Forums
2004年7月21日 · Your aunt has left for you a German made alarm clock or wecker. Uhr is the German language word for timepiece. Thus the winding keys are labeled uker for wake-up …
DRGM Clock Mechanism: Worth Getting Repaired? - NAWCC …
2018年2月17日 · I have come into possession of an old clock, like a mini grandfather clock, 4.5' tall. The mechanism runs only if I hold it at about a 30 degree angle (the back of the …
Information needed on D.R.G.M G Boley Mainspring winder Hour …
2022年8月18日 · D.R.G.M. registration was introduced 1891 and if you are dating items you should hold in mind that even during Allied occupation up until 1949,-----Most have agreed that …
Old Grandfather Clock - NAWCC Forums
2017年12月30日 · My grandpa passed away recently and I got this clock. A I spent the last few day look for information on it. Mom said it's over 100 years old grandpa got it at auction in the …
Mysterious Pocket Watch... - NAWCC Forums
2011年10月16日 · the movement is a Thiel Surprise, and both signatures are related to Gebrüder Thiel in Ruhla (Thiel brothers). So one of the signatures is not CT, but GT. The signature …
Identifying my Grandmother's Clock D.R.P. Mark | NAWCC Forums
2012年1月26日 · Hello, I recently inherited my grandmother's grandfather clock. It is around 7 feet tall and plays Westminster chimes. The markings on the chimes are Gloria DRP and there is a …
Identifying a Kienzle clock - NAWCC Forums
D.R.G.M. 779005 158 So thanking all who opine in advance, and I hope I did the pics right, first time ...