java - Remove HTML tags from a String - Stack Overflow
2008年10月27日 · The accepted answer of doing simply Jsoup.parse(html).text() has 2 potential issues (with JSoup 1.7.3):. It removes line breaks from the text
Generate predefined length string from an alphabet in JAVA
2022年1月9日 · CVBCV. In other words ALL the possible combinations with EXACT length 5 comming from the alphabet provided. The examples I have found use all the letters of the alphabet so I could use them and keep only the length I …
Mysql - case statement updating all values not just matching ids
2014年1月22日 · UPDATE price SET item = CASE id WHEN 18 THEN 'cvbcvbcvb' END, description = CASE id WHEN 17 THEN 'cvbcv' END, price = CASE id WHEN 19 THEN '222' END WHERE id IN (17, 18, 19); I have noticed that if a column is not updated the no value for that column changes, so for example, if omitted the column description then none of the values in ...
Create action in controller is omitting reference field
2021年6月2日 · I have a problem with my rails application when i create a customer for an environment, the action itself if omitting the parameter environment_id in the insert statment. This is my customer.rb mod...
mysql - data not getting inserted - Stack Overflow
2016年6月3日 · S.No Order # Date Particulars Serial/IME No Complaints Action 1 ORD00027 06/07/2016 led 11 sedsdf make payment 2 ORD00026 06/13/2016 cvbcv 5 tgtdfgfg make payment the last row i inserted in the payment table is the value i …
How to use templates with QT signals and slots?
2014年11月15日 · I want to use signals and slots in my program, but unfortunately they should be used for transmitting several different data types (e.g. QString, double, etc.) and I don't want to write twenty diff...
c# - Replace German characters (umlauts, accents) with english ...
2011年9月19日 · Replace German characters (umlauts, accents) with english equivalents. I need to remove any german specific characters from various fields of text for processing into another system which wont accept them as valid.
regex - Convert regular expression to CFG - Stack Overflow
2014年12月20日 · How can I convert some regular language to its equivalent Context Free Grammar? Is it necessary to construct the DFA corresponding to that regular expression or is there some rule for such a conver...
java - JWT signature exception occured after Base64 …
2022年12月9日 · JWT signature exception occured after Base64 encoding/decoding Secret and Public keys. I generated a key pair like this: KeyPair keyPair = Keys.keyPairFor(SignatureAlgorithm.RS256); Them I incoded...
mysql - data not getting inserted properly - Stack Overflow
2016年6月2日 · S.No Order # Date Particulars Serial/IME No Complaints Action 1 ORD00027 06/07/2016 led 11 sedsdf make payment 2 ORD00026 06/13/2016 cvbcv 5 tgtdfgfg make payment the last row i inserted in the payment table is the value i …