Gospel Culture (2025) — Chippewa Valley Bible Church
phone | 715.723.2872 email | [email protected] 531 E South Ave, Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
Women's Newsletter - Chippewa Valley Bible Church
Women’s Newsletter. We began a monthly newsletter featuring a lady of CVBC in order to help us get to know one another. If CVBC is your church home and you would like to receive the newsletter, sign up below.
Sermons Series - Chippewa Valley Bible Church
phone | 715.723.2872 email | [email protected] 531 E South Ave, Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
SERVE @ CVBC — Chippewa Valley Bible Church
2023年5月26日 · SERVE @ CVBC. One way to worship God is offering up our time and talents to serve his church. At CVBC we have a number of positions that minister to those around us and we would love you to join.
New Here - Chippewa Valley Bible Church
Each service is about 70 minutes long and focuses on worship, teaching, and corporate prayer. MUSIC | CVBC leads each Sunday morning with music aimed at centering our hearts and minds on the Lord, and the truths and lessons he has for us to learn and live by. We encourage you to stand or sit or raise hands as your heart lifts worship to God.
Contact Us — Chippewa Valley Bible Church - cvbc.net
Get in touch with us. Address: Chippewa Valley Bible Church 531 E. South Ave. Chippewa Falls, WI 54729. Phone: 715-723-2872 Email: [email protected] Web: www.cvbc.net Service times: Sundays at 9:00 & 10:30 am Please feel free to contact our church office with questions about Chippewa Valley Bible Church.
Weekly Bulletin - May 19, 2024 - Chippewa Valley Bible Church
2024年5月17日 · Back of Bulletin Ministry Highlight: CVBC Missions & Outreach. If you are a Christian, then missions/outreach is your calling! Jesus has called us to go and make disciples of all nations and has entrusted this to churches like ours.
Contact Page - Chippewa Valley Bible Church
phone | 715.723.2872 email | [email protected] 531 E South Ave, Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
Weekly Announcements — Chippewa Valley Bible Church
News/Reminders February 19, 2025: Our preaching this Sunday, February 23, is from Matthew 5:6.Please read this passage ahead to prepare for worship. Ruby's Pantry is this coming Tuesday, February 25, rescheduled from the 18th due to cold weather.See details below. Ruby's Pantry is a monthly food distribution program that is held at CVBC on the 3rd Tuesday of each …
Beliefs - Chippewa Valley Bible Church
phone | 715.723.2872 email | [email protected] 531 E South Ave, Chippewa Falls, WI 54729