Cutaneous diphtheria - DermNet
2020年2月24日 · Cutaneous diphtheria has also been reported after traditional tattooing. What causes cutaneous diphtheria? Cutaneous diphtheria is caused by infection with …
Adverse cutaneous reactions to vaccines - DermNet
2017年7月12日 · Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids Generalised urticaria (hives), angioedema , and unidentified rashes in around 5–13% of recipients. Studies suggest that most mild to moderate …
Anthrax - DermNet
Most anthrax infection (95%) is via the skin (cutaneous anthrax). What are the clinical features of cutaneous anthrax? Cutaneous anthrax develops usually between 1-7 days after skin …
Cutaneous signs of systemic disease. Cutaneous medicine - DermNet
Leukaemia / lymphoma sometimes causes erythematous, purpuric or ulcerated cutaneous nodules. Porphyria. Porphyrias are due to abnormalities of the haem pathway and result in …
Cutaneous dysaesthesia - DermNet
The main complication of cutaneous dysaesthesia is decreased quality of life and impact on mood and mental health. How is cutaneous dysaesthesia diagnosed? Generalised cutaneous …
Skin Infections In People Who Inject Drugs — DermNet
Wong CM, Scheufele CJ, Bodapativ S, et al. Presentations of Cutaneous Disease in Various Skin Pigmentations: Cutaneous Abscesses. HCA Healthc J Med. 2022;3(3):153–159. doi: …
Infectious mononucleosis, Epstein Barr virus, glandular fever
A more intense and extensive cutaneous eruption appears in up to 90% of patients with infectious mononucleosis 2–10 days after starting antibiotics. These include ampicillin, azithromycin, …
Skin reactions to COVID-19 vaccines - DermNet
The majority of cutaneous reactions after COVID-19 vaccination occur in women (around 90%). Erythema and itching (other than at the injection site) was the most common cutaneous …
Spotted fever group rickettsial disease - DermNet
A wound (cutaneous injury. What is the treatment for rickettsial spotted fevers? Rickettsial spotted fevers can be treated successfully with tetracycline antibiotics, especially doxycycline. …
Cholestatic pruritus - DermNet
Cutaneous features. There is no primary rash associated with cholestatic pruritus. Patients often develop lesions secondary to scratching such as lichenification, excoriations, folliculitis and …