约 22,400,000 个结果
  1. Is there a way of setting culture for a whole application? All current ...

    2009年1月22日 · I used to have a MVC filter where I set the culture on the current thread. But after upgrading from .NET 4.5 to 4.8 JSON serialization seems to be happening on a different thread where the culture was not the same as set in the filter.

  2. c# - How to change CurrentCulture at runtime? - Stack Overflow

    2015年6月16日 · The UI culture for the thread is set according to the UI culture of the page. For example, if the current UI culture is Spanish, ASP.NET uses the compiled version of the WebResources.es.resx file. If there is no match for the current UI culture, ASP.NET uses resource fallback. It starts by searching for resources for a specific culture.

  3. .net - Difference between CurrentCulture, InvariantCulture ...

    2013年7月2日 · Whatever regional options the system is configured to have will be the "Current" values in your .NET app. Often times they are both the same. But on my system they would be different: I prefer my numbers and dates in the German format, so the CurrentCulture would be German, but I also prefer all my applications in English, so the ...

  4. globalization - What is the difference between CurrentCulture and ...

    Whatever regional options the system is configured to have will be the "Current" values in your .NET app. Often times they are both the same. But on my system they would be different: I prefer my numbers and dates in the German format, so the CurrentCulture would be German, but I also prefer all my applications in English, so the ...

  5. Best place to set CurrentCulture for multilingual ASP.NET MVC …

    It occurs before any actions get executed. As a result, DisplayName attribute values, and other Data Annotations stuff are handled using the default culture at this point. Eventually I've moved setting the current culture to the custom IControllerActivator implementation, and it works like a charm. I suppose it's almost the same from the ...

  6. How can I change the CurrentCulture of the entire process (not …

    2009年9月22日 · I know how to do this for the current thread: System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"); But my application uses BackgroundWorkers to do some processing, and the locale for these worker threads seems …

  7. c# - Use "real" CultureInfo.CurrentCulture in WPF Binding, not ...

    2011年4月29日 · You can create a subclass of binding (e.g. CultureAwareBinding) which sets the ConverterCulture automatically to the current culture when created. It's not a perfect solution, but it's probably the only one, since retroactively forcing Binding to respect the culture could break other code in WPF which depends on this behavior.

  8. Get the current culture in a controller asp.net-core

    2020年2月23日 · There's a global property CultureInfo.CurrentCulture in the System.Globalization namespace that gets the culture for the current thread. This has existed as far back as .NET Framework 4.0, and all the way through to the current version of .NET Core 3.1.

  9. c# - How to set CultureInfo.CurrentCulture? - Stack Overflow

    2021年6月16日 · and in your application read that value and set the culture. CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultCulture"]); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = culture; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = culture;

  10. C# String comparisons: Difference between ... - Stack Overflow

    2013年3月21日 · The InvariantCulture property is useful for storing data that will not be displayed directly to users. Storing data in a culture-independent format guarantees a known format that does not change. When users from different cultures access the data, it can be formatted appropriately based on specific user.