关于Cu的元素价态XPS、LMM,LVV? - 盖德问答
问了测试中心的老师,说是做一个LMM谱图,但是我经过荷电校正后,这个Cu的LMM谱图上的峰型是对应着CuO的,但是相比较一般的Cu2+的Kinetic Energy(917.8 eV),我的这个Kinetic Energy竟然在923.8eV,这个合理吗?
Anomalous chemical shifts of Cu 2p and Cu LMM Auger spectra …
2003年10月1日 · Compared with the crystalline compounds Cu 2 O and CuO and metallic Cu, the chemical shifts of the Cu LMM Auger lines are considered to represent the difference of the relaxation effect of the two-hole final state of Cu due to the electron donation ability of the surrounding elements around Cu in the glasses.
Peak-fitting of Cu 2p photoemission spectra in Cu0, Cu1+, and …
2023年6月15日 · Cu Auger LMM spectra for the time-controlled oxidation at atmospheric pressure. The observed peaks gradually shift to lower kinetic energies with increasing oxidation time. Download: Download high-res image (391KB)
Initial Stages of Oxide Formation on Copper Surfaces during …
2021年11月5日 · We have studied the oxidation kinetics of initial stages of oxide formation on clean metallic copper surfaces during low-energy O 2 + bombardment at room temperature using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy around Cu 2p and O 1s core-levels and Auger Cu LMM peaks. Two stages in the oxidation process of Cu were observed.
Roles of CuO and Cu2O in graphene growth on a copper substrate
2022年2月1日 · Because the Cu2p 3/2 binding energy of Cu(Ⅰ) is very close to that of Cu(0), the valence state of Cu was determined by referring to the Cu LMM. The two main peaks of Cu LMM (E knt) are 916.8 and 918.6 eV, corresponding to Cu(Ⅰ) and Cu(0), respectively.
Determining Structure-Activity Relationships in Oxide Derived Cu
2021年12月24日 · The sample modified with a low content of Sn, CuNW-Sn LOW, exhibits Cu 2p (main peak at BE 934.1 eV and shake-up satellite structure) and Cu LMM spectral features of CuO. For both samples, Cu 2p and Cu LMM Auger spectra can be accurately fitted with the peak model described by Biesinger et al. for Cu(OH) 2 and CuO (see details on peak model in ...
The most active Cu facet for low-temperature water gas shift …
2017年9月8日 · The Cu LMM Augur electron spectra (AES) (Fig. 1e) and Cu 2p XPS spectra (Supplementary Fig. 5) demonstrate dominance of metallic Cu on surfaces of all acquired Cu NCs; however, the Cu(I)...
Cu 2p XP and Cu LMM Auger spectra of Cu2O films prepared
Cu 2p XP and Cu LMM Auger spectra of Cu2O films prepared at (a) −0.5 V, (b) −0.55 V, (c) −0.6 V, and (d) −0.65 V vs. Ag/AgCl. (e) is a reference XP spectrum of CuO powder. The binding and...
铜的 LMM 俄歇初级激发光谱,Surface Science - X-MOL
拟合该初级激发光谱的形状以在从 x 射线激发俄歇电子能谱 (xaes) 获得的理论光谱和实验光谱之间取得密切一致。我们已经对纯铜的各种 lmm 俄歇跃迁(l3m45m45、l3m23m45、l3m23m23 和 l2m45m45 跃迁)进行了 xaes 光谱的这些计算。
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) Reference Pages
The Cu LMM peak shape (in addition to the Auger parameter and Cu 2p3/2 peak position and shape) can also be useful in determining Cu chemical states. It is particularly useful when determining Cu metal versus Cu (I) in the absence of Cu (II) species.
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