蛋白质的肽修饰:泛素化、苏木化和NEDD化(二) - 知乎
目前了解最多的底物是 cullin家族 ,它是CRL(cullin-RING连接酶)复合物的支架蛋白。我们前面说过,泛素连接酶E3有3种类型,其中之一是RING类型。CRL是RING类型中最大的一个家族,需要由多种蛋白构成一个复合物。Cullin负责将其中一些组分连接起来。
Cullin - Wikipedia
Cullins are a family of hydrophobic scaffold proteins which provide support for ubiquitin ligases (E3). All eukaryotes appear to have cullins. They combine with RING proteins to form Cullin-RING ubiquitin ligases (CRLs) that are highly diverse and play a role in myriad cellular processes, most notably protein degradation by ubiquitination. [1][2]
The cullin protein family - PubMed
2011年12月4日 · Cullin proteins are molecular scaffolds that have crucial roles in the post-translational modification of cellular proteins involving ubiquitin. The mammalian cullin protein family comprises eight members (CUL1 to CUL7 and PARC), which are characterized by a cullin homology domain.
两大泛素化E3 连接酶家族——Cullins 及RING家族的进化关系和适 …
2009年11月26日 · Cullins家族以及与泛素化降解肿瘤抑制基因p53相关的RING家族成为研究细胞生. 长、凋亡和肿瘤发生的重点。 本文选择RING家族中与p53相互作用的MDM2、 COP1、Pirh2进行了结构预测,并研究了这三个蛋白与泛素蛋白(Ub)的结合、 高能位点及其作用。 对于分类较明确、序列较齐全的Cullins家族,本文从动物中. 选取了172条序列,构建了Cullins家族及各亚家族的系统发育树。 除此之外,本. 文还将现存的所有cullin家族序列进行收集和比对,确定了各家 …
NEDD8活化酶(NAE)小分子抑制剂的研究进展 - 知乎
其中Cullin-RING E3 连接酶(Cullin-RING E3ligase, CRL)是最大的E3泛素连接酶超家族,负责细胞内约20%的蛋白质通过UPS降解。CRL是一种多亚基复合体,通常由骨架蛋白Cullin、RING-box蛋白、衔接蛋白和底物识别蛋白四个部分组成。
The cullin protein family | Genome Biology | Full Text - BioMed …
2011年12月4日 · Cullin proteins are molecular scaffolds that have crucial roles in the post-translational modification of cellular proteins involving ubiquitin. The mammalian cullin protein family comprises eight members (CUL1 to CUL7 and PARC), which are characterized by a cullin homology domain.
Cullin蛋白家族在癌症发生发展中的研究进展 - 国际医药卫生导报
Cullin蛋白通常通过接头蛋白连接底物靶向单位和CRL中的环指成分,CRLS以多种底物为靶标,影响一系列生物学过程,包括细胞生长、发育、信号转导、转录调控、基因组完整性和肿瘤抑制 [3] 。
Function and regulation of cullin–RING ubiquitin ligases
2005年1月1日 · In this review, we focus on the composition, regulation and function of cullin–RING ligases, and describe how these enzymes can be characterized by a set of general principles.
The Cellular and Developmental Roles of Cullins, Neddylation, and …
Cullins (CULs) are a core component of cullin-RING E3 ubiquitin ligases (CRLs), which regulate the degradation, function, and subcellular trafficking of proteins. CULs are post-translationally regulated through neddylation, a process that conjugates ...
The cullin protein family - PMC
Cullin proteins are molecular scaffolds that assemble multi-subunit cullin-RING E3 ubiquitin ligase (CRL) complexes. The mammalian cullin protein family comprises eight members (CUL1 to CUL7 and PARC). In CRL, a cullin protein tethers both a substrate-recognition subunit, often through an adaptor protein, and the RING finger component.
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