Can Tropical Fish Eat Cucumber?
2010年2月20日 · firstly they do not rot and cause problems in the tank. unless you have a, poor filtering system! its important to leave the veg in until eaten.(5 days, should, be no problem) most of the good stuff in cucumber, is in the skin. this takes a day or so, to breakdown so, most fish can eat it. oddly, fish do not prefer the middle. they go for it …
What Fish Eat Cucumber? | Fish Forum - Tropical Fish Forums
2005年7月3日 · I would also agree with Sir_Minion, I use courgette rather than cucumber, I actually tried both side by side, the cucumber was barely touched. I leave the skin on always, but I wash it thoroughly 1st and then blanche it to soften it up a bit. Some say to cut the centre out and remove the pips, but I tend to leave it in now and the lot gets eaten.
How Do You Prepare Cucumbers For Fish Food? | Fish Forum
2009年5月29日 · sizze depends on the fish... for my plecos i slic about an inch down the cumcumber cut of the hard green bits n sink the white core with the wieghts you get with plants mixmaster jay Fish Gatherer
How Do You Feed Cucumber? | Fish Forum - Tropical Fish Forums
2008年7月4日 · Hi Guys, For all you guys who feed your fish cucumber, I want to ask how you feed it? Do you cut a small slice / chunk and drop it in the tank? Do you skin them? Do you disgard any part of the cucumber for your fish or is it all ok for them? I know the skins not so tasty for us and gives me...
How Do You Guys Blanch Cucumber | Fish Forum - Tropical Fish …
2011年4月9日 · I blanch my cucumber just so it sinks! My fish won't eat it at all if it's bobbing about in the water or suspended from something. I just slice it up and stick in in a shallow bowl of water in the microwave for a couple of short blasts, maybe a minute or so.
How to feed cucumbers | Fish Forum - Tropical Fish Forums
2020年10月1日 · I cut off a 1" inch wedge of cucumber, and just drop it into the tank. My gourami, pleco, corys and shark all like getting a little munch out of it.
Can Cucumber Kill? | Fish Forum - Tropical Fish Forums
2004年7月25日 · Maybe the cucumber is starting to rot or something and it's bad for the fish. I don't know? Maybe if it wasn't washed good enough there might have been some pesticides on the cucumber. Just some guesses. I'm no expert but I'd like to know why they died also because cucumber is my plec's main diet. My silver dollars like to eat the seeds too.
Make Cucumber Sink... | Fish Forum
2006年12月14日 · If your cucumber floats, give it a hard squeeze to expel all the air - then it sinks. ... It all depends ...
Do Corys Eat Cucumber | Fish Forum - Tropical Fish Forums
2007年12月9日 · Because cucumber is made mainly of water which leaves little space for yummy nutrient bits. Click to expand... in fact the water content, by weight, of courgette and cucumber, is 95%. energy is much the same too, but in the form of sugars, so its usefulness to fish, my well be limited. dietary fibre is identical, that leaves us with vitamins ...
Feeding Cucumber To Suckerfish? | Fish Forum - Tropical Fish …
2008年10月16日 · sadly the vast majority of the useful food and fibre is in the skin, over 90% of the white stuff is water, something tropical fish need on the outside, not inside lol. if you are worried about it fouling your water, feed tinned veg. its way better than boiling your own, and actually gives your fish something useful. keep an eye on the salt content though, apart from that it is fine to give.