Are CuCl and Cu2Cl2 equivalent? - Chemistry Stack Exchange
Feb 1, 2017 · $\ce{Cu2Cl2}$ is actually the dimer of cuprous(I) chloride $\ce{CuCl}$. Cuprous chloride dimerises and also trimerises and tetramerises in gas phase. The molecular structures of the species are measured with Gas-Phase Electron Diffraction and …
What is CuCl · CO · 2 H₂O? - Chemistry Stack Exchange
Jan 28, 2017 · $\ce{CuCl.CO.2H2O}$ is the addidtion compound when CO is passed through the ammonical solution of cuprous chloride. $$\ce{CuCl + CO + 2H2O -> CuCl.CO.2H2O}$$ It is white crystalline adduct. I dont really know the name... but this is the story behind this compound..
Gattermann-Koch reaction - Role of cuprous chloride
Sep 3, 2016 · I am unable to figure out what the role of $\ce{CuCl}$ in Gatterman-Koch reaction is. Does it provide $\ce{Cl-}$ ions by dissociating into $\ce{CuCl2}$ and $\ce{2Cl-}$, but that can also be achieved by using more $\ce{HCl}$? So why do we add $\ce{CuCl}$ in the reaction?
CuCl2 has colour but CuCl does not - Chemistry Stack Exchange
Feb 4, 2016 · This is rather large energy jump compared to the intraorbital jump an electron in $\ce{CuCl2}$ has to make. Therefore, $\ce{CuCl}$ does not readily absorb visible light as $\ce{CuCl2}$ does, so it appears colorless. That is, until it see moist air.
Chemical Reaction of aluminum foil in CuCl2 solution
Sep 30, 2018 · I agree with my colleagues to the extent that it is most probably copper metal. However, given that we are starting with an acidic copper chloride solution, and likely there is some oxygen exposure either from the starting water or from air contact, a little more chemistry may be taking place, more precisely, electrochemical (or displaying a surface anode/cathode …
Where can I find (citable) FTIR spectra of CuCl and CuCl2?
May 25, 2017 · :( The NIST webbook has entries for both, but CuCl (or ClCu as they put) has no references in it at all. I checked the article you mention (thanks), but it has no data in the 4000-400 cm-1 range (which is what I need, and I will edit the question now to …
Cupric and cuprous copper - Chemistry Stack Exchange
Sep 15, 2019 · Copper has two chlorides: $\ce{CuCl2}$ and $\ce{CuCl}.$ Copper reacts directly with chlorine to form a copper(II) chloride.
KCl + CuCl2 in solution, is there a reaction?
May 24, 2018 · I'm wondering if the reaction of $\\ce{KCl + CuCl2}$ in solution (aq) will produce any products (have a net ionic equation/solid precipitate)? Using the metal activity series, I see that potassium ...
CuCl2 dissolved in water - Chemistry Stack Exchange
Jun 1, 2015 · Jaroslav already gave you a good hint: Assume full dissociation, which leads to the following equation: $$\ce{CuCl2 <=> Cu^2+ + 2Cl^-}$$
acid base - How does one obtain a CuCl2 (solid or in solution with ...
Feb 11, 2022 · A byproduct of this reaction was insoluble CuCl, which I am able to reuse in future runs. However, the reaction is very slow. Is there a way I can accelerate the reaction? And could I ask you to quote the relevant parts of your source? I am unable to access it, since I am am a physics student, and our department has no license. Thank you.