Key intermediates and Cu active sites for CO2 electroreduction to ...
2024年9月11日 · Here we provide direct spectroscopic evidence of potential-dependent CO dimerization and subsequent reduction intermediates during CO 2 RR on a Cu surface by combining insights from in situ...
Recent progress in Cu-based electrocatalysts for CO2 reduction
2025年2月1日 · The electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide (CO 2 RR) technology is an excellent solution to the problem of utilizing carbon dioxide, which can be converted into valuable substances such as carbon monoxide, formic acid, alcohols, and hydrocarbons through a variety of reaction pathways, with the advantage of simple equipment and controlled ...
Cu-based Bimetallic Catalysts for Electrochemical CO2 Reduction: …
2025年3月10日 · Electrochemical CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR) is a promising approach for carbon reduction and the production of high-value chemicals. Among the various catalysts, Cu-based bimetallic catalysts have recently attracted significant attention due to their superior catalytic activity, which often outperforms pure Cu counterparts, owing …
Operando studies reveal active Cu nanograins for CO2 ... - Nature
2023年2月8日 · Operando analytical and four-dimensional electrochemical liquid-cell scanning transmission electron microscopy shows the presence of metallic Cu nanograins under CO2 reduction conditions.
Electronic metal-support interaction modulates Cu electronic …
2025年2月25日 · CeO 2 -Cu SAC with highest occupied 3 dx2-y2 orbital promotes CO 2 activation and its localized electronic state inhibits C-C coupling. The moderate water activity of CeO 2 -Cu SAC...
Cu-based bimetallic electrocatalysts for CO2 reduction
2022年1月1日 · Among the available catalysts researched for CO 2 electroreduction, Cu-based catalysts have demonstrated excellent performance in converting CO 2 to a broad range of hydrocarbons and oxygenates. A total of sixteen different products of CO2RR on a copper surface can be detected [8].
北大徐冰君团队Nat. Catal.:打破传统!揭示Cu电催化CO2RR中多 …
目前,铜(Cu)基材料是唯一能够选择性地将CO2还原为高附加值的多碳(C2+)产物的催化剂。 传统认为Cu表面的CO2电化学还原反应是两个串联反应,即CO2还原成CO和CO还原生产C2+产物,但上述反应是否在Cu表面同一位点进行还不清楚。 基于此, 北京大学徐冰君教授团队 发现CO2的存在促进了CO电化学还原反应,并且至少存在两种不同类型的Cu位点,其中一种铜位点(CuCO2)在CO2还原为CO的过程中更活跃,另一种铜位点(CuCO)是有利于CO进一步还 …
Electrochemical CO2 Reduction Reaction over Cu Nanoparticles …
2021年12月9日 · In the current study, we demonstrate that the electrocatalytic CO 2 RR performance of carbon-supported Cu catalysts (Cu/C) can be influenced by the key functional groups of polymeric binders, which are an essential component for electrode fabrication.
Cu-based bimetallic catalysts for CO2 reduction reaction
2022年9月1日 · In this review, the synergistic enhancements of Cu-based bimetals on CO 2 activation and intermediate adsorption/desorption are analyzed in detail, including the advantages caused by the morphology of Cu-based bimetallic catalysts, the local electric field effect induced by the special nanoneedle structure, the interface engineering (strain effe...
Role of Cu Oxide and Cu Adatoms in the Reactivity of CO2 on Cu…
2024年6月4日 · The reactivity of CO 2 is investigated by NAP-STM by CO 2 exposure to Cu(110) surfaces prepared in three distinct initial states: (i) the bare metallic Cu(110), (ii) a full monolayer of CuO (f-CuO) and (iii) a partially oxidized Cu(110) surface exposing both free Cu(110) and the added row CuO (denoted p-CuO).