Play Counter-Strike 2 - Steam
For over two decades, Counter-Strike has offered an elite competitive experience, one shaped by millions of players from across the globe. And now the next chapter in the CS story is about to …
Counter-Strike 2 - The Next Era of Counter-Strike - Steam News
Counter-Strike 2 is the largest technical leap forward in Counter-Strike’s history, ensuring new features and updates for years to come. All of the game’s new features will be revealed when …
Counter-Strike 2 - Release Notes for 2/6/2024 - Steam News
[ ARMS RACE ] Added Arms Race to available game modes Added maps "Baggage" and "Shoots" [ WEAPON FINISHES ] Introducing the Kilowatt Case, featuring 17 …
Counter-Strike 2 - Patch Notes - Steam News
Today’s update includes a revamped buy menu, a simple way to customize (and share) your crosshair, and an all new way to personalize your favorite agents! Introducing Patches Looking …
Counter-Strike 2 - 《反恐精英》更新 - Steam 新闻
[地图] 炼狱小镇 调整了阳台下楼梯的碰撞 [杂项] 修复了旧版 SSG08 模型中的偏移。 修复了旧版双持贝瑞塔模型上印花蒙版。 修复了旧版双持贝瑞塔弹匣模型上印花蒙版。 修复了手雷与布娃 …
Counter-Strike 2 - Steam News Hub
Updates, events, and news from the developers of Counter-Strike 2.
Counter-Strike 2 - Welcome Home - Steam News
Counter-Strike 2 is here. Come take a look around. Counter-Strike 2 is the largest technical leap forward in Counter-Strike's history, supporting new features today and updates for years to …
Counter-Strike 2 - Release Notes for 7/22/2024 - Steam News
[ MAPS ] Dust II Modified crate stack outside CT spawn towards bombsite A. Nuke Clipping adjustments. Assembly Updated to the latest version from the Community Workshop (Update …
Counter-Strike 2 - Release Notes for 4/30/2024 - Steam News
[ MISC ] Grenade kills no longer display the "in-air" killfeed icon. Fixed several cases where clicking on the buy menu or scoreboard would cause the game to stop taking keyboard …
Counter-Strike 2 - Centro de noticias de Steam
Actualizaciones, eventos y noticias de los desarrolladores de Counter-Strike 2.