Crusher cap - UNIFORMS - U.S. Militaria Forum
2022年11月20日 · Absolutely correct....This type of cap (production crusher) was produced due to the demand created by soldiers who liked the softened look and the ability to fold one's cap and place into one's pocket...Prior to this, pilots and aircrews had to create their own by removing the crown stiffener and work the hat until it gained a softened feel and appearance....The …
The fate of the "crusher" cap - UNIFORMS - U.S. Militaria Forum
2008年10月29日 · Crusher was originally a trade name, I don't remember which company used it, it was a type of service cap that could be literally crushed, it had a soft bill that could be rolled up for storage and would pop back into shape for wear and they were not limited to the Air Force.
2019年1月3日 · Search "crusher cap" on here, lots of discussions. Basically, a cap made to be a crusher has a thin single layer leather visor (Bancroft Flighter being one of the most famous) and a body that was flexible so they could be stuffed into a pocket. Service caps have a thick non-bending visor and a stiffer body.
Reproduction Bancroft Flighter - Crusher Cap - UNIFORMS - U.S ...
2023年4月30日 · Pictures are of comparison of early Bancroft (pre-patent Flighter) and the Fortress reproduction by aviator in England. Completely satisfied with the results. Easy to see that the Bancroft once looked exactly like the new Fortress.
USAAF ww2 crusher cap - US MILITARIA FORUM
2021年10月26日 · The "Packable Cap" or crusher as its known was a marketing deal that provided a cap that could be packed in a piece of luggage or flight bag with out being damaged or "crushed" I had a summer "crusher" from an officer who served in Washington DC for the War. He wore the hat with the metal band in it to keep its shape like any other cap.
2019年1月3日 · The war movies in the 40s were showing pilots wearing these crushed or raked out.So imitation is the best form of flattery.Everyone likes that cool elite swashbuckling laid back pilot,50 mission hard core look.Similar modification also took place in the USMC enlisted service cap.You see that typical saddle look where the front and the back ...
Original USAAF Crusher? - FLIGHT CLOTHING - U.S. Militaria Forum
2021年1月4日 · A “true crusher” in my opinion, is the result of wear and tear on a service cap through usage. Bancroft and others tapped into a fashion market by making “ready-made crushers”. They sold a product to customers who wanted the look without the experience.
WW2 Officer's Lewis Fly-Weighter Crusher Visor Cap
2011年5月17日 · However, when I googled "WW2 Crusher cap" the first site that pops-up lists the Lewis Fly-Weighter in the category of Officer's crusher caps and there's an example pic of a Fly-Weighter. However, it does not show whether the Fly-Weighter is double-billed or not.
AAC vs Army crusher cap (how to tell apart) - US MILITARIA FORUM
2011年7月11日 · THe caps for the AAC or the Army were basically all the same.They all came with brown visors,chinstrap and wire form in the top.The AAF tended to remove the stiffener to give it a crushed look to the top.Many in regular Army units followed suit.Then there is the famed "crusher"which in form had a very thin one piece bill and top made out of gabridine wool …
WW2 AAF Pilot Dress Crusher Cap questions - US MILITARIA FORUM
2024年11月9日 · I have acquired this officers service cap by Khan Tailoring Co having that 50 mission look now my question is it seems to be more Chocolate in colour than the average OD51 shade a slightly darker shade compared to my A class jacket in the image provided also the Eagle cap device is slightly higher than examples I have had seen on other makers , apart from …