Illustrated Guide to Dropped Crown Gear - Wizard101 Central
2012年5月24日 · Re: All Crown Dropped Gear For ZF, Whiteblind Tunic was dropped by some Ice boss in Elephant Graveyard (not the monkey, but erm wasp/insect) Also, Sidhe Cowl was dropped to me by the first boss in Mirror Lake.
Guide to crown gear - Wizard101 Forum and Wizard101 Fansite
2012年2月4日 · Guide to crown gear - Page 1 - Wizard101 Forum and Fansite Community
?Crown Gear Drops? - Wizard101 Forum and Wizard101 Wiki
2011年12月22日 · I have hit the lair 30 times and zip. Has KI fogetten to fix the drop lists to include holiday gear? So you understand, in 30 trips (120 tries at both gurtok, I would get at least one item of crown - zip). At the ravens I won quite a few pieces of the Puppet Master gear (level 35? for a MUST be at least 40 to go there).
New "Dark Jester Hoard Pack!", in Crown Shop - Wizard101 Central
2025年1月22日 · Get a chance at new shadow mounts, gloamling pets, jester gear sets, and more! See New Pack »" New "Dark Jester Hoard Pack!", in Crown Shop - Wizard101 Forum and Wizard101 Wiki
Selling Crown Gear - Wizard101 Forum and Wizard101 Wiki
2010年2月13日 · 1. Like PPs said, no selling for crowns. I don't think they will ever institute a feature that lets you sell non-crown items for crowns, either (grandmaster gear is not crown gear). Maybe in the future they might allow you to sell back crown gear for a fraction of the crowns you spent. 2. You can sell your grandmaster gear that you don't need.
Lord Nightshade drops crown gear? - Wizard101 Central
2014年7月4日 · Has anyone gotten level 5 crown gear from Lord Nightshade recently? I've been farming him for about 2-3 hours and got nothing.
Myth Gear For Lvl 25 - Wizard101 Forum and Wizard101 Wiki
2017年1月1日 · The best gear that you can get at that level is either crown gear from the shop, or dropped from Krokopatra. Another option is to farm Ra in the Oasis Library. He drops level 20+ gear that can be good until you can get to Mount Olympus at level 30 or Rattlebones Master Duels at level 40.
Good Universal Gear? - Wizard101 Forum and Wizard101 Wiki
I am not really experienced with crown gear, so all help will be appreciated. My best options right now are Order of the Beast Set, Paladin's Mantle of Valor set, and the Archmage set (clothing bundles found in the Crown Shop) combined with the Sidhe Staff.
best armour for level 30 balance pvper - Wizard101 Central
2012年4月28日 · I didn't use Crown gear because my pips were so bad with it. I recommend using the best crowns robe that money can buy and a Heartsteel w/ the best level 25 or 30 balance gear (Normally the level 25 Balance gear will be a better option than the level 30 Balance gear) I recommend you go for some no auction gear instead of buying it just from the ...
Original Crown gear no longer available - Wizard101 Central
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