  1. Varanus salvadorii - Wikipedia

    • The crocodile monitor (Varanus salvadorii), also known as the Papuan monitor or Salvadori's monitor, is a species of monitor lizard endemic to New Guinea. It is the largest monitor lizard in New Guinea and is one of the longest lizards, verified at up to 255 cm (100 in). Its tail is exceptionally long, with some specimens having been claimed to exceed the length of the Komo… 展开


    Varanus salvadorii was first described as Monitor salvadorii by Wilhelm Peters and Giacomo Doria in 1878 based on a … 展开


    The generic name, Varanus, is derived from the Arabic waral (ورل), meaning "lizard". The term "monitor" is thought to have come about from confusion between waral and the German warnen, meaning "warning". The term "goann… 展开


    The genus Varanus originated in Asia about 40 million years ago (Mya). Around 15 Mya, a tectonic connection between Australia and Southeast Asia allowed the varanids to spread into what is now the Indonesian archipelago. … 展开


    The largest of the seven species of monitors found on the island of New Guinea, crocodile monitors occur in both the state Papua New Guinea and the Indonesian region of West Papua. It inhabits the high and low … 展开

    Biology and morphology

    A characteristic feature of the crocodile monitor is its blunt, bulbous snout, which makes it look different from every other monitor on New Guinea, and suggested the common name "tree crocodile". The body of the lizard is da… 展开

  1. 包含 Crocodile Monitor 的结果。
    是否只需要 Crocodilee Monitor 的结果?
  2. 包含 Crocodile Monitor 的结果。
    是否只需要 Crocodilee Monitor 的结果?