The Crimean Goths. - History Forum
2011年6月28日 · Nothing regarding the Crimean goths is really 'disregarded' because it is all so speculative. There is a question of whether they even were goths, or rather west-german tribes who settled there via the Ostrogoths, picking up some cultural and lingustic features on the way. Their numbers for example, are really similar to Dutch, up to a point.
Crimean Tatars and the Goths of Crimea (last non-assimilated Goths)
2014年4月15日 · It seems that Goths of Crimea melted into Crimean Tatars, becoming assimilated by them - like many other historical White populations of Crimea. As the result of that, Crimean Tatars started to look more like White people, despite the fact that original Tatars were Mongoloids: Mongoloid -...
The Crimean Goths and their Legacy | History Forum
2017年10月21日 · The easy answer is that they were branch of the Goths per se, or 'Ostrogoths' after the migrations separated them out, who basically just got left behind, isolated or split off. But it seems no one really knows their true origins although long called Goths. It may have just been a term used for 'people from the north'.
Ethnic history of Crimea | History Forum
2022年3月22日 · The Crimean Tatars as an ethnic group dominated the Crimean Khanate from the 15th to the 18th centuries. They descend from a complicated mixture of Turkic peoples who settled in the Crimea from the 8th century, presumably also absorbing remnants of the Crimean Goths and the Genoese.
The exact size of Attila's empire | Page 5 | History Forum
2022年11月24日 · The Sutton Hoo finds and its link to the Vendel Period (In Ostergotland), among some other things have led some of these scholars to belive the Goths/Geats/Gutones (or which ever tribal variant name you like to give them) may have played a small part in the invasion. I dont know why defining Goth is so hard to but ok.
Nova Anglia - New England .the England of the East.
2012年12月8日 · Its population was a mixture of Greeks, Crimean Goths, Alans, Bulgars, Kipchaks and other nations, which confessed Orthodox Christianity. The principality's official language was Greek. The territory was initially under the control of Trebizond, and possibly part of its Crimean possessions, the Perateia.
The Crimean Goths | History Forum - historum.com
2012年12月12日 · Dear people! I'm doing a seminar with the theme "Women Costume of Crimean Goths" from archeology and I'd really need your help. I do not speak Russian very well, and the books that I have found are in the form of an image and can not be copied to the google translator. Any help is welcome, but...
what did the goths look like? - History Forum
2012年9月9日 · The Crimean Goths lasted until the late 18th century. What did Goths look like? I think people get caught up in ethnicity rather than cultural/linguistic heritage. You didn't have a tribe of pure-blood blonde hair-blue eyed Germanics running around Europe for 500 years.
Who are the Chechens? | History Forum
2014年6月21日 · I would make a guess about contacts with Crimean goths. That's the safest you can get. Apart from that you will see accidental similarities across languages e.g. Greek and Amerindian, Polish with Polynesian which does not mean that they ever came in contact.
Did Goths return to Sweden/Scandinavia? - History Forum
2014年3月1日 · Beyond them, on the steppes, lay the Greuthungi, although whether the Greuthungi comprised all the non-Tervingian Goths is debatable." In the beginning of the 3rd century Goths were present along the Black Sea shore and …