Creteseal® products have been protecting floors for over 30 years. We proudly started the moisture vapor mitigation industry with the CS2000™ system, becoming the trusted leader …
Creteseal® Products: CS2000™ and MAX System™ — Creteseal®
Creteseal CS2000™ is designed to penetrate into the top portion of concrete floor slabs to form a moisture vapor and alkalinity control system. CS2000™ also benefits as a curing method and …
Contact - Creteseal®
Contact. Please contact our Authorized Distributor OBEX Co. for more information, product inquiries, and ordering.
What We Do — Creteseal®
Since 1980, Creteseal® products have been used to protect millions of square feet of flooring from moisture vapor intrusion. The Creteseal® CS2000™ product has been at the forefront of …
Buy Creteseal® from our Authorized Distributors — Creteseal®
Buy Creteseal Direct. Purchase Creteseal® CS2000™ Spray Apply System or Creteseal® MAX System™ with confidence! Call us for a project bid today! OBEX 1-844-265-3535. OBEX is an …
FAQ — Creteseal®
Creteseal® products have been used in the moisture vapor emissions control industry for 30 years. Where can I buy Creteseal® CS2000™ and Creteseal max System™? Creteseal® …
Creteseal® Authorized Distributors — Creteseal®
Authorized Creteseal® Distributors. Authorized Distributors are important and we accomplish a lot together.
Press Release — Creteseal®
All of Creteseal’s products offer industry-leading performance and represent over 20 years of scientifically-backed innovation and concrete slab moisture vapor emission mitigation. …
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