Cradle cap - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
2024年11月15日 · Cradle cap causes crusty or oily scaly patches on a baby's scalp. The condition isn't painful or itchy. But it can cause thick white or yellow scales that aren't easy to remove.
How To Get Rid of Cradle Cap in 4 Steps - Cleveland Clinic Health ...
2023年9月18日 · Cradle cap is a painless and harmless skin condition. But if the scaly patches on your baby’s scalp bother you, home remedies like moisturizer can treat it.
Cradle Cap: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment - WebMD
2023年10月2日 · Cradle cap is a common skin condition in newborns and babies that causes rough patches on their scalp. It's also known as infantile seborrheic dermatitis, crusta lacteal, honeycomb disease,...
How to treat cradle cap - American Academy of Dermatology
2022年8月17日 · 4 cradle cap tips from dermatologists. The scaly, greasy patches on your baby's scalp are called cradle cap. Follow these dermatologist tips to loosen and remove the scale to help treat cradle cap at home.
Cradle Cap (Seborrheic Dermatitis in Infants) Causes - Cleveland Clinic
2023年8月10日 · Cradle cap is a common, harmless skin condition that causes yellow scales and a rash on your baby’s scalp. It usually starts and goes away before your baby’s first birthday. Cradle cap doesn’t need treatment and clears up on its own within a few months.
Cradle Cap (Seborrheic Dermatitis) in Infants (for Parents)
What Is Cradle Cap? Cradle cap is the common term for seborrheic dermatitis (seb-eh-REE-ik dur-muh-TYE-tis) of the scalp in infants. Seborrheic dermatitis, also called seborrhea (seb-eh-REE-uh), can show up: on the scalp; on the forehead and face; behind the ears; in the diaper area, armpits, and other skin folds and creases
Cradle cap - Wikipedia
Cradle cap is crusty or oily scaly patches on a baby's scalp. The condition is not painful or itchy, but it can cause thick white or yellow scales that are not easy to remove. [1] Cradle cap most commonly begins sometime in the first three months but can occur in later years.
Cradle Cap in Adults: Treatment, Causes, Product ... - Healthline
2023年5月9日 · Cradle cap is a skin condition that causes redness, white or yellow scaly patches, and dandruff on the scalp. It sometimes also affects the face, upper chest, and...
Cradle cap - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic
2024年11月15日 · Learn about the symptoms, treatments and home care tips for this short-lived type of seborrheic dermatitis that's common in infants.
Cradle cap (infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis)
Cradle cap, or pityriasis capitis, is infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis affecting the scalp. Who gets cradle cap? Cradle cap is extremely common with an estimated prevalence of 9.5–10%. It is seen most commonly in infants aged between 3 weeks and 12 months with peak prevalence at 3 months of age [1]. There is no sex or racial predilection.