Colorado Department of Transportation
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Travel Alert Sign Up | COTrip
My COtrip Travel Alerts. Receive traffic and travel alerts via email or text for my saved routes and areas in Colorado. Special trucker alerts available for width restrictions, chain law enforcement, and other CMV information across the state. Subscribe to Travel Alerts
COtrip - Colorado Department of Transportation - Freight and …
New Law - Colorado 'Must Carry' Expansion! Beginning on September 1, 2024 all Commercial Motor Vehicles with a GVWR of 16,000# or greater must carry chains or approved alternate traction devices on the below Colorado Mountain Corridors.
Travel Alert Sign Up - COtrip
Looking for news about CDOT projects, programs or travel restrictions in your area? Select one or more of the email lists below, and click "Submit" to start receiving updates!
www.cotrip.org Text CDOT to 2587 or Search CDOT Mobile in your app store. This information applies to Colorado state, federal, & interstate highways. CARRYING CHAINS ON I-70: Commercial vehicles driving on I-70 between mileposts 133 (Dotsero) and 259 (C-470) from Sept. 1–May 31 must carry sufficient
LaneAware - COtrip
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1 department of transportation transportation commission rules governing chain law and passenger vehicle traction law requirements on the state highway system
Plan & Invest | Colorado Department of Transportation - Freight …
The Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Freight Analysis Framework (FAF) dataset indicates that more than 420 million tons of products – valued at over $341 billion – was moved throughout Colorado in 2016.
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The Colorado Freight Plan providesshort -term actions and long-term guidance for CDOT, public agency and private industry partners, and members of the Colorado Freight Advisory Co