Documentation – Arm Developer
This section describes the optional Memory Protection Unit (MPU). The MPU divides the memory map into a number of regions, and defines the location, size, access permissions, and memory …
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) is an optional component provided by the Cortex®-M7 core for memory protection. It It divides the memory map into a number of regions with privilege …
About the Cortex-M7 processor and core peripherals
The Cortex-M7 processor closely integrates a configurable Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC), to deliver industry-leading interrupt performance. The NVIC includes a non-maskable …
ARM Cortex-M7 中 MPU 与 Cache - CSDN博客
2023年4月4日 · 同时,阐述了MPU(内存保护单元)的作用、功能和相关寄存器设置,强调了启用Cache时必须配置MPU,并提供了MPU配置的示例代码。 文章总结了配置MPU和Cache的关 …
STM32H743+CubeMX-梳理MPU的设置 - CSDN博客
2021年5月24日 · 本文详细介绍了如何利用CubeMX配置STM32H743的MPU来启用和优化Cache,以提升CPU性能。 通过设置MPU的内存地址、访问权限和Cache规则,实现 …
Cache in ARM Cortex M7: MPU Configuration
2024年8月15日 · The MPU shall be configured as following: MPU Control Mode: Background Region Privileged accesses only + MPU disabled during hard faults. MPU region to be enabled.
Cache in ARM Cortex M7: MPU Attributes and Memory types
2024年8月11日 · Here is the default memory access behavior for ARM Cortex M7: 5. MPU Attributes: The MPU attributes in ARM Cortex M7 have the following: Shareability. …
Read this for a description of the Memory Protection Unit (MPU). Chapter 7 Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller Read this for a description of the interrupt processing and control.
This application note describes how to manage the memory protection unit (MPU) in the STM32 products. The MPU is an optional component for the memory protection. Including the MPU in …
How to configure the MPU of an STM32 using STM32CubeMX
2021年11月16日 · The MPU (Memory Protection Unit) is included in the Cortex-M4 and M7 based STM32 Microcontrollers (refer to specific product datasheets to confirm availability). The MPU …