How to crush coriander seed? - Homebrew Talk
2009年7月29日 · Smell a couple of those coriander seeds whole...then smell them crushed....They "come alive," smelling and tasting fresher when crushed. Especially the "god knows how long they have been sitting at the lhbs in those brewer's garden packets."
Coriander seeds VS powder conversion - Homebrew Talk
2009年6月9日 · Hi, I'm starting a wit tomorrow and I have a small problem. The recipe needs 50 gm of coriander seeds, but all I have is coriander powder? Should I use 50 gm of powder? People at my local store told me to reduce the amount. I much should I add to a 5 gallons batch? Thanks for your help, this...
How to add orange peel and coriander seed - Homebrew Talk
2008年3月2日 · I add mine (1 oz for either bitter/sweet orange peel) and ~1/2 ounce of crushed coriander for the last 15 minutes. I put the coriander in a sandwich bag and gently pound it with a hammer until all seeds are crushed. Made many a Belgian batch with this and it works great.
Brewing with coriander seeds -- A small question - Homebrew Talk
2009年7月22日 · The recipe (Papazian's Who's in the garden grand cru) calls for crushed coriander seeds during the boil. However, I fear that my kitchen strainer is not "dense" enough (the holes are a little too big I think). So when I'll strain the wort to the fermenter, I think there might a lot of coriander seeds residual going into it.
Adding Coriander and Orange Peel to Belgian Wheat
2009年12月12日 · I crush fresh coriander and add both directly to the boil. Between 5 and 10 minutes left in the boil for the coriander and the last minute or two for the bitter orange peel.
cracked versus ground coriander - Homebrew Talk
2009年3月5日 · three reasons. using ground coriander will make it very difficult to remove before you bottle it. second, by grinding the coriander seed you expose a lot more surface area, this can cause too much flavor to be imparted to the beer. third, by cracking the seeds yourself you get the maximum amount of essential oils from the seed. if you buy ground coriander from a sotre, …
using coriander | Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider …
2009年5月13日 · Traditionally, the bittering of a wit comes from the orange peel (a special kind, not regular oranges), and the orange essence comes from the coriander. Many people use fresh orange zest instead of bitter orange peel, but these beers will be pretty different from a …
Making a wit - only have ground Coriander - Homebrew Talk
2012年7月1日 · Coriander is one of those spices that is tricky. Using it a lot in cooking I've found the ground stuff really makes its way thru the dish. Unless you REALLY like coriander I would be worried about the spice overpowering. Just my 2 c worth, like I said I'm still fairly new. Perhaps someone else has more experience with ground coriander. Cheers!
Wit Beer but how much Corriander and Orange - Homebrew Talk
2013年12月4日 · Batch 1: 1 oz. crushed coriander, 1 oz. dried bitter orange peel (from the homebrew store) Batch 2: .87 oz. crushed coriander, 1 oz. fresh blood orange zest Batch 3: .5 oz. crushed coriander, 1 oz. dried bitter orange peel Batch 3 is my favorite so far, and it's much more balanced than the other two because of the reduced coriander.
Coriander Seeds in a Witbier - Homebrew Talk
2008年2月8日 · That spice is only a "seed version" the plant version is Cilantro (commonly used in hispanic food). Yes, crack them. If you're using a 1/2oz use either a morter and pestle or put them in a small baggy and smash with hammer. Also, you might want to add a small amount (1/4 oz) of black pepper.