CopGFP Sequence and Map - SnapGene
Green fluorescent protein 2 from the copepod Pontellina plumata, also known as ppluGFP2. Explore Over 2.7k Plasmids: Fluorescent Protein Genes & Plasmids | More Plasmid Sets. ApaI can be used between 25°C and 37°C. Sticky ends from different BaeGI sites may not be compatible. Sticky ends from different Bme1580I sites may not be compatible.
Evrogen CopGFP: Detailed description
CopGFP (ppluGFP2 in our scientific publications, Shagin et al., 2004) is a green fluorescent protein cloned from copepod Pontellina plumata (Arthropoda; Crustacea; Maxillopoda; Copepoda). CopGFP is characterized by superbright green fluorescence (excitation/ emission max = 482/ 502 nm) and fast maturation rate at a wide range of temperatures.
The fluorescent protein palette: tools for cellular imaging
CopGFP is efficiently excited using an argon-ion laser or FITC filter set (absorption maximum at 482 nm) and produces green fluorescence at 502 nm with a brightness value approximately 30% higher than EGFP and much greater resistance to changes in pH.
CopGFP (ppluGFP2 in our scientific publications, Shagin et al., 2004) is a green fluorescent protein cloned from copepod Pontellina plumata (Arthropoda; Crustacea; Maxillopoda; Copepoda).
pCDH-EF1-copGFP-T2A-Puro - Addgene
Plasmid pCDH-EF1-copGFP-T2A-Puro from Dr. Kazuhiro Oka's lab contains the insert copGFP-T2A-Puro and is published in Unpublished This plasmid is available through Addgene.
ppluGFP2 :: Fluorescent Protein Database
ppluGFP2 is a basic (constitutively fluorescent) green fluorescent protein published in 2004, derived from Pontellina plumata.
The Fluorescent Protein Color Palette - Olympus
CopGFP is efficiently excited using an argon-ion laser or FITC blue excitation filter set (absorption maximum at 482 nanometers) and produces green fluorescence at 502 nanometers with a brightness value approximately 30 percent higher than …
The 2.1 Å Crystal Structure of copGFP, a Representative Member …
2006年6月16日 · We have determined to 2.1 Å resolution the crystal structure of copGFP, a representative GFP-like protein from a copepod, a member of the Bilateria.
Exosome reporter mice reveal the involvement of exosomes in …
2019年9月12日 · To explore in situ cell-type-specific ILV/exosome labeling in the CNS, we generated Cre-dependent ILV/exosome reporter (CD63-GFP f/f) mice by inserting a loxP-floxed stop codon upstream of human...
copGFP – Eamon’s Blog
2024年7月3日 · 文献中看到有一种”copGFP”,是一种比EGFP信号更强 (~1.3倍)的绿色荧光蛋白,来源于copepods (桡足类)的Pontellina sp. (细角类属)。 pGreenZeo载体包含了经过优化的人类密码子全长copGFP基因,以便从CMV启动子在哺乳动物细胞中高水平表达荧光蛋白。 copGFP标记是一种来自桡足类 (Pontellina sp.)的天然绿色单体GFP类似蛋白。 copGFP的一个独特特征 …
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