About Colorado Tick Fever | Colorado Tick Fever Virus | CDC
2024年5月15日 · Colorado tick fever is a rare viral disease primarily spread by the bite of an infected Rocky Mountain wood tick found in the western United States and western Canada. The most common symptoms are fever, chills, headache, body aches, and feeling tired.
Colorado Tick Fever: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
2024年5月15日 · Symptoms of Colorado tick fever can include fever, chills, headache, body aches, and feeling tired. Rarely, Colorado tick fever can be severe and affect the central nervous system. If you think you or a family member might have Colorado tick fever, talk with your healthcare provider.
Clinical Features and Diagnosis of Colorado Tick Fever
2024年5月15日 · Colorado tick fever (CTF) is usually a self-limited febrile illness with a biphasic course. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is the most sensitive test early in the course of CTF. Contact your state or local health department for …
Transmission | Colorado Tick Fever Virus | CDC - Centers for …
2024年5月15日 · Colorado tick fever (CTF) is caused by a virus in the genus Coltivirus. CTF virus is maintained in the environment by Dermacentor andersoni ticks and rodent hosts. Humans are typically infected when outdoors in the western United States and western Canada at 4,000–10,000 feet above sea level.
Data and Maps for Colorado Tick Fever - CDC
2024年5月15日 · Colorado tick fever is an uncommon disease spread by the bite of an infected Rocky Mountain wood tick found in the western United States and western Canada. Colorado tick fever is not a nationally notifiable disease; however, several states require that cases be reported to the state health department.
Colorado Tick Fever: Causes and How It Spreads
2024年5月15日 · Colorado tick fever is caused by a virus typically transmitted through the bite of an infected Rocky Mountain wood tick (Dermacentor andersoni). Colorado tick fever virus circulates in the environment between ticks and small rodents found in the Rocky Mountains.
• Transmitted by bite of infected Rocky Mountain wood tick (Dermacentor andersoni) • Found in western United States and Canada at 4,000–10,000 feet above sea level • Most common in spring or summer months when ticks are active • Transmission through blood transfusion and bone marrow transplantation is possible SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS:
Increase in Colorado Tick Fever Virus Disease Cases and Effect of …
2022年12月27日 · Colorado tick fever (CTF) virus is a coltivirus in the family Reoviridae . The primary vector for CTF virus is the Rocky Mountain wood tick ( Dermacentor andersoni ), which is found at elevations of 4,000–10,000 feet in the western United States and Canada ( 2 , 3 ).
Preventing Colorado Tick Fever | Colorado Tick Fever Virus | CDC
2024年5月15日 · Colorado tick fever virus is spread to people by the bite of an infected tick. There are no vaccines or medicines to prevent Colorado tick fever. The best way to prevent Colorado tick fever is to protect yourself from tick bites.
Treatment and Prevention of Colorado Tick Fever
2024年5月15日 · Colorado Tick Fever Virus. Colorado tick fever virus is primarily spread by ticks. Learn about areas at risk, the illness it causes, and ways to prevent becoming infected. View All