Home | College Scorecard
The U.S. Department of Education's College Scorecard has the most reliable data on college costs, graduation rates, and post-college earnings.
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Compare colleges nationwide. Compare data on cost, graduation rate, student outcomes, potential earnings, financial aid and debt, test scores, and more.
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Search colleges nationwide. Search for schools based on degree type, cost, school type, test scores, size, mission, afflication, and more.
Data Home - College Scorecard
Download institution-level and field-of-study-level data files directly from the College Scorecard. Available data goes as far back as 1997.
School Profile | College Scorecard
The school profile provides a wealth of data, including average cost, graduation rates, financial aid and debt, typical earnings of graduates, and more.
College Scorecard | College Scorecard
Find the college that’s the best fit for you! The U.S. Department of Education’s College Scorecard has the most reliable data on college costs,graduation, and post-college earnings.
Glossary - College Scorecard
The glossary includes detailed description of every datapoint and relevant data variables on the College Scorecard.
API Documentation - College Scorecard
Technical documentation provides in-depth information about institution-level and field-of-study-level data files.
Resources - College Scorecard
The U.S. Department of Education's College Scorecard has the most reliable data on college costs, graduation rates, and post-college earnings.
College Scorecard API | College Scorecard
The College Scorecard API offers access to a wealth of data about U.S. higher education institutions. This API enables developers to query and retrieve information about schools, …