Cobaltite - Wikipedia
Cobaltite is an arsenide and sulfide mineral with the mineral formula Co As S. It is the naming mineral of the cobaltite group of minerals, whose members structurally resemble pyrite (FeS 2).
辉钴矿 - 百度百科
辉钴矿(Cobaltite)又称 辉砷钴矿,化学组成为CoAsS。 这个名字来源于德国狗头人的“地下精神”,旨在拒绝钴铁矿石的冶炼。 条痕为 灰黑色,具有 金属 光泽。 硬度为5-6,比重为6.0-6.5。 等轴晶 系或斜方晶系。 晶体呈八面体、立方体、五角十二面体或它们的聚形;集合体呈粒状或致密块状。 微带玫瑰红的锡白色。 成因产状:是热液成因的矿物,产于某些 接触交代矿床 和含 钴 热液矿脉中,在地表易氧化而变成玫瑰色的 钴华。 著名产地:中国海南石绿铜钴矿等一些钴矿 …
The Mineral cobaltite - The Mineral and Gemstone Kingdom
Cobaltite is an important ore of the element cobalt. It forms very interesting and unusual crystals rarely seen in the mineral kingdom, especially the icosahedral type. The name of Cobaltite, and its namesake cobalt, is derived from the German equivalent of the leprechaun or …
Cobaltite: Mineral information, data and localities. - mindat.org
Cobaltite-Gersdorffite Series. See also the chemically very similar Glaucodot and Alloclasite. Compare 'UM1966-01-As:CoNiS' and 'UM1982-09-S:AsCoFeNi'.
Cobaltite Mineral Data
High temperature hydrotherma deposits and contact metamorphic rocks. Mines in the Cobalt district, Ontario, Canada. Link to MinDat.org Location Data. From the German, Kobold, "underground spirit" or "goblin," in allusion to the refusal of cobaltiferous ores to smelt properly, hence "bewitched."
Cobaltite - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Cobaltite is a strategically significant mineral (Fig. 1.17) composed of cobalt, arsenic, and sulfur (CoAsS) crystallizing in the orthorhombic (or pseudocubic) system resembling pyrite. It contains up to 10% iron and a valuable amount of nickel.
cobaltite /ˈkəʊbɔːlˌtiːn, -tɪn/ (also cobaltine) 1.N a rare silvery-white mineral consisting of cobalt arsenic sulphide in cubic crystalline form: a major ore of cobalt, used in ceramics. Formula: CoAsS 辉砷钴矿 [1]
Cobaltite Value, Price, and Jewelry Information - Gem Society
Everything you ever wanted to know about cobaltite. Find value guidelines, scientific data, expert comments, and more in our Gem Listings.
Cobaltite | Sulfide Ore, Nickel-Copper & Silver | Britannica
cobaltite, a cobalt sulfoarsenide mineral in which iron commonly replaces part of the cobalt [(Co,Fe)AsS], that occurs in high-temperature deposits. Notable occurrences are at Daşkäsän, in the lesser Caucasus, Azerbaijan; Tunaberg, Swed.; and Rājasthān, India.
Mineral Group: Cobaltite group. Occurrence: In high-temperature hydrothermal deposits, as disseminations, and as veins in contact metamorphosed rocks. Association: Magnetite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, skutterudite, allanite, zoisite, scapolite, titanite, calcite (Tunaberg, Sweden); numerous other Co–Ni sulfides and arsenides.