Cape of the Mountebank - Magic Items - D&D Beyond
Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) Magic Item - Cape of the Mountebank - This cape smells faintly of brimstone. While wearing it, you can use...
Cape of the Mountebank | D&D 5th Edition on Roll20 Compendium
Cape of the Mountebank Wondrous item, rare. This cape smells faintly of brimstone. While wearing it, you can use it to cast the dimension door spell as an action. This property of the cape can't be used again until the next dawn. When you disappear, you leave behind a cloud of smoke, and you appear in a similar cloud of smoke at your destination.
Cape of the Mountebank - DND 5th Edition
Wondrous item, rare. This cape smells faintly of brimstone. While wearing it, you can use it to cast the Dimension Door spell as an action. This property of the cape can't be used again until the next dawn. When you disappear, you leave behind a cloud of smoke, and you appear in a similar cloud of smoke at your destination.
Cape of the Mountebank - DnD5e.info - 5th Edition System …
Wondrous item, rare. This cape smells faintly of brimstone. While wearing it, you can use it to cast the dimension door spell as an action. This property of the cape can’t be used again until the next dawn. When you disappear, you leave behind a cloud of smoke, and you appear in a similar cloud of smoke at your destination.
Items: Cape of the Mountebank - 5etools
Reprinted as Cape of the Mountebank in DMG'24. Available in the SRD.
Cape of the Mountebank, a magic item for D&D 5e
Details about Cape of the Mountebank, a D&D 5e magic item, including items effects, rarity and value. A Dungeons and Dragons 5e magic item.
Cape of the Mountebank - D&D 5e (2024)
Wondrous Item, Rare. This cape smells faintly of brimstone. While wearing it, you can use it to cast Dimension Door as a Magic action. This property can’t be used again until the next dawn. When you teleport with that spell, you leave behind a cloud of smoke. The space you left is Lightly Obscured by that smoke until the end of your next turn.
Cape of Mountebank in 5e : r/DnD - Reddit
Nov 14, 2017 · Its a good emergency escape item aswell as delivery spell. Also really fun. And no Attunement. I love it for a warlock. I dig the positioning and travel spells, and dimension door is quite useful in the right situation, but misty step has more applications in my experience.
Dungeons & Dragons 5e Item: Cape of the Mountebank
A red cloak, embroidered with gold, smelling faintly of brimstone. While wearing this cape, you can use it to cast dimension door spell as an action. This property of the cape can't be used again until the next dawn.
5e Cape of the Mountebank Rules and information - openttrpg.com
The Cape of the Mountebank is a Rare magic item. Get the details you need to use it in your game here, along with every other item you need.
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