Cleft-Lift FAQ - The Cleft Lift Operation
In this day and age, it usually means that they are skilled in flap procedures, specifically the cleft-lift. The Karydakis procedure is similar, and also gets very good results. So, who are these pilonidal specialists, and how do I find one?
Cleft Lift - The Cleft Lift Operation
The cleft-lift procedure is the most successful operation for both early pilonidal disease, and for recurrent problems or non-healing wounds. This is the procedure we provide at the Evergreen Surgical Pilonidal Clinic, in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
About the Cleft-Lift Operation
This web page shows the difference between a successful and an un-successful cleft-lift. The cleft-lift is more challenging after previous failed operations. The basic cleft-lift operation works best for pilonidal disease up on the area around the sacrum where it usually begins. In patients who have had surgery that has failed, the situation ...
The Cleft-Lift FAQ
The cleft lift is a modification of the Karydakis procedure. Dr Bascom described this modification in 1987, so this has been around for well over 30 years.
About Dr. Immerman - The Cleft Lift Operation
Providing the best in pilonidal treatment and care. The leaders in the cleft-lift procedure +715-832-1044. 719 West Hamilton Ave Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
Diagnosis and Management of Pilonidal Disease - The Cleft Lift …
Common symptoms are a painful lump, bleeding, drainage, or enlarged pores in the midline of the gluteal cleft. Some patients are prone to developing pilonidal abscesses – which are very painful, and often need to be drained (lanced) in order to get relief.
Patient Testimonials - The Cleft Lift Operation
Providing the best in pilonidal treatment and care. The leaders in the cleft-lift procedure +715-832-1044. 719 West Hamilton Ave Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
Contact - The Cleft Lift Operation
Providing the best in pilonidal treatment and care. The leaders in the cleft-lift procedure +715-832-1044. 719 West Hamilton Ave Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
Arteriosclerosis - The Cleft Lift Operation
Providing the best in pilonidal treatment and care. The leaders in the cleft-lift procedure
Shop - The Cleft Lift Operation
Providing the best in pilonidal treatment and care. The leaders in the cleft-lift procedure +715-832-1044. 719 West Hamilton Ave Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701