Metaphyseal corner fracture | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia.org
2023年6月15日 · Metaphyseal corner fractures, also known as classical metaphyseal lesions (CML) or bucket handle fractures, are observed in young children, less than 2 years old. It is …
Classic Metaphyseal Lesions and Abuse | AAP Grand Rounds
2019年9月1日 · Investigators from multiple institutions in France conducted a retrospective review to better understand the circumstances of injuries in physically abused infants with classic …
A Critical Review of the Classic Metaphyseal Lesion: Traumatic or …
2013年12月26日 · The “classic metaphyseal lesion” is a term first used in 1986 by pediatric radiologist Paul Kleinman and colleagues who hypothesized that they represented unique …
The classic metaphyseal lesion and traumatic injury - PubMed
Background: It is widely accepted that the classic metaphyseal lesion (CML) is a traumatic lesion, strongly associated with abuse in infants. Nevertheless, various non-traumatic origins for …
The classic metaphyseal lesion is highly associated with abuse in infants. Classic metaphyseal lesions, also referred to as corner or bucket-handle fractures, are frac-tures through the …
Classic Metaphyseal Lesion (CML) | pedradeducation2
The CML is a highly specific indicator of child abuse in the first year of life (nonambulatory child). • Fracture through the spongiosa of the metaphysis. • Caused by torsional and tractional …
classic metaphyseal lesion literature, partic-ularly those seminal studies correlating his-topathology with radiographic findings. We assess the strength of the hypothesis that classic …
Classic metaphyseal lesions (CMLs) are described as partial or full planar microfractures that transect the primary spongiosa of the bone in close proximity to its growth plate [1]. These …
A critical review of the classic metaphyseal lesion: traumatic or ...
Objective: The purpose of this study was to review the hypothesis that classic metaphyseal lesions represent traumatic changes in abused infants and compare these lesions with healing …
Classic Metaphyseal Lesions - AJR
2014年5月21日 · I encourage other investigators to study classic metaphyseal lesions with sufficient rigor and scholarship to further clarify the morphology and the biomechanics of these …