High quality digital assets for the modern filmmaker. Custom transitions, unique tutorials, 4K overlays, & music video effects for Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, FCPX, & Resolve.
FREE PACKS - CinePacks
These are collections of free samples chosen from our full packs for you to try and use for your own projects. All royalty-free! All high quality! Try them out and if you want more, you can purchase the full packs on our CinePacks Products page.
Packs - CinePacks
High quality video effects packs for the modern filmmaker. Custom made video transitions, overlays, LUTs, animations, free downloads, and more!
Video Transitions and Effects | Video FX - CinePacks
Our wide assortment of creative video transitions and effects are sure to take your movie and video projects to the next level. Whether you’re looking for a vintage film effect, neon scribbles, glass breaking effects, or fire effects, you’ve come to the right place.
FIRE FX - Fire | Flame | Burning Transitions | Embers Video Effects ...
Fire FX is all 4K ProRes video clips of flames, bursts, embers, animated flame mattes & custom made fire transitions. This pack also includes high-quality fire sound effects and 7 custom LUTS to change the look of your flames.
FREE VHS & TV FX Sample Pack - CinePacks
Includes 20 FREE assets that you can you use in any project! 5 minutes of dirty glitch VHS textures that you can overlay on to your footage. Make your videos more dynamic with our TV screen overlays.
New CinePacks Film Studio, LED Wall and New Sets | Ep.42
2022年4月19日 · Andy and Tyler the owners of CinePacks talk on opening their new studio in North Hollywood California. They talk about what is like opening a studio and some things to consider when opening your own studio. They recently purchased a LED Video wall for the studio to start doing virtual production. 📝 Watch Episode/Show
FREE Lens FX Sample Pack - CinePacks
Video Effects. Lens Filters. SAMPLE FX
Lens Filters - CinePacks
Not only do we offer incredible digital products, we also carry physical effects products like our new state-of-the-art lens filters. These lens filters are the perfect accessories to throw in your gear bag for your next shoot! From lens distortion effects to reflective prism effects, you can use our handheld lens filt
Gun FX | Action Effects | Muzzle Flash VFX - CinePacks
Download over 100 high quality visual effects assets, 3D gun effects, ammunition, sound effects, transitions, overlays, and more! All royalty free visual effects elements for compositing in after effects, premiere pro, davinci resolve, and final cut pro x. Includes colt 1911, glock 19, m16, & uzi machine guns animated.