Veterinary Acupuncture - Chi University
La Dra. LLoret recibió su DVM por la Universidad de Murcia en España en el año 2002. En 2005, obtuvo su certificación de acupuntura veterinaria de la Universidad Chi junto con la Universidad de Chiang Mai en Tailandia, donde conoció al Dr. Xie. En 2006, completó el programa de pasantías en acupuntura de la Universidad de Florida con el Dr. Xie. Desde el año 2014, se establece como Jefa ...
Chi University
Explore Chi University's selection of holistic veterinary continuing education including acupuncture, herbal medicine, tui-na, and food therapy.
About - Janet Greenfield-Davis - Chi University
Janet Greenfield grew up in Northern California showing hunters on the “A” circuit. A passion for horses led Janet to a passion in veterinary medicine.
About - Robert MacKay - Chi University
Dr. MacKay received his veterinary degree (BVSc) from Massey University in Palmerston North, New Zealand in 1975. After 3 years of dairy practice in New Zealand, he did an internship at the University of California, Davis (1977-78) and a residency in large animal medicine at the University of Florida (1978-80).
Chi University
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Four Paws and Five Directions by Dr. Schwartz (BS03)
Welcome to the ancient healing art of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), now for cats and dogs! Used with great success on humans and finally available to our four-legged friends. Starting with the head and working toward the toes, Four Paws, Five Directions addresses a host of problems that anyone living with an anim
Scholarship Opportunites for F-1 Students - Chi University
Chi University offers a Research Assistantship (RA) to a selected number of students admitted to the MSTCVM program. The RA requires working at Chi University Biomedicine Research Center (BRC) and grants a monthly stipend of approximately $1,200 and paid tuition and fees balance.
About - Signe Beebe - Chi University
Dr. Beebe is a graduate of the Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine, and she has practiced integrative medicine since 1995. She is certified in veterinary acupuncture, Chinese herbology, TCVM food therapy, and veterinary tui-na by Chi and the China National Society of TCVM, and has completed the certificate program in Canine Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy at the University of ...
Intro Seminar - Chi University
Dr. Spracklen is a graduate of the Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine. She completed her Veterinary Chiropractic training in 1996 and is certified through the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association (AVCA).
Degree Programs - Chi University
Explore degree programs from Chi University. Graduate Studies. Take your mastery of integrative veterinary medicine modalities to the next level.