Channel Estimation in Wireless Communication
2022年4月18日 · Channel estimation is a special case of the system identification problem that has a long history in the field of signal processing. The most common method to estimate a channel at the Rx is based on a training sequence (i.e., a data-aided scenario).
Channel Estimation - MathWorks
Channel estimation plays an important part in OFDM systems. It increases the capacity of orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) systems by improving the system performance in terms of bit error rate.
Channel Estimation - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Channel estimation refers to the process of estimating the characteristics of the wireless channel between the transmitter and receiver, such as signal strength, delay, and Doppler shift.
Channel state information - Wikipedia
The method is called channel estimation. The CSI makes it possible to adapt transmissions to current channel conditions, which is crucial for achieving reliable communication with high data rates in multiantenna systems.
This chapter presents a decision-directed adaptive channel estimation method, which diminishes the degradation due to the channel estimation and thereby improves the receiver performance.
Communication Technology - ShareTechnote
Channel Estimation is the process of finding correlation between the array of complex numbers on the left and the array of complex numbers on the right. The detailed method of the estimation can very depending on the implementation.
The matrix V in (1.41) can be obtained from many recently proposed blind MIMO channel estimation algorithms that determine the channel H up to an invertible (sometimes unitary) matrix.
A review of wireless channel estimation techniques: challenges …
PDF | On Jan 1, 2022, M.N. Drakshayini and others published A review of wireless channel estimation techniques: challenges and solutions | Find, read and cite all the research you need on...
Channel Estimation Techniques in Wireless Communication
In today's world, wireless communication is the most widely used mode of communication. In wireless communication, users generally do not have control over chan.
Abstract—In this paper, we present a deep learning (DL) algorithm for channel estimation in communication systems. We consider the time-frequency response of a fast fading communi-cation channel as a two-dimensional image. The aim is to find the unknown values of the channel response using some known values at the pilot locations.