The Ultimate Guide to Cha Pai Tea - South Report
Whether you are a tea lover or an everyday Java drinker, you are sure to enjoy a cup of Nong Fu Spring Cha Pai Tea. This tangy, floral-flavored beverage is naturally sweet and calorie-free, and its flavor will leave you refreshed, not dehydrated.
Nongfu Spring Cha Pai 农夫山泉茶π(茶派) [15 bottles per ctn]
7 Flavours available: Grapefruit Jasmine, Lemon Black Tea, Rose Lychee, Peach Oolong and Yuzu Green Tea. Product Name: Nongfu Spring Fruit Tea 农夫山泉茶π 500ml Net Weight: 500ml x 15 Lemon Black Tea 柠檬红茶 Ingredients: Water, Sugar, Fructose Syrup, Black Tea, lemon Juice, Edible Flavouring Grapefruit Jasmine Tea 西柚茉莉花茶 Ingr.
Nongfu Spring Cha Pai Fruit Tea Peach Oolong Tea 500ml
2003年1月2日 · Fresh and tender oolong tea with sweet peaches is sweet and romantic, intoxicating. 水果和茶有不同的香味,酸甜可口的水果,柔和宁静的茶拥抱美好时光。 鲜嫩的乌龙茶配上甜甜的蜜桃,甜美浪漫,令人陶醉。
茶π - 百度百科
茶π,是农夫山泉旗下的饮料品牌。 [1]主要分为西柚茉莉花茶,蜜桃乌龙茶,柚子绿茶,柠檬红茶。 [3] 2016年3月,茶π上市,凭借奇特的产品名、独特的口味和炫酷调性,创造了多项记录:新品上市7个月销售额即突破10亿元;上市第二年茶π销售达到25亿元,四年时间下来累计销售额破百亿。 [1] 2022年春天,茶π推出柑普柠檬茶和青提乌龙茶两个全新口味。 [2] 茶π的名称来源于无限不循环小数π,象征着生命无限的可能性。 2019年推出新包装,设计独特,充满幻想。 [2]其实 …
500ml Cha Pai, KSF - MINI Group
Cha Pai Pomelo Green Tea, Cha Pai Peach Oolong Tea, Cha Pai Green Grape Oolong Tea, Cha Pai Grapefruit Jasmine Tea, KSF Sour Plum Drink, KSF Lemon Black Tea, KSF Rock Sugar Snow Pear Drink, KSF Honey Pomelo. Related products 500ml Ovaltine, Milo, Milk Tea $ 17.99 – $ 32.16. Select options .
Cha Pai | All The Latest Products - NTUC FairPrice
Shop for Cha Pai at Singapore's trusted grocery retailer. FairPrice offers a wide range of products to choose from!
Nongfu Spring(农夫山泉) Cha Pai(茶π) Fruity Tea Drinks (500ml)
Tea π Fruity Tea Drink (500ml) The tea is mixed with fruit and tastes fresh and natural. The name of tea π comes from the infinite non-repeating decimal π, which symbolizes the possibility of infinite life.
NONGFU SPRING Cha Pai Drink Chapai Fruit Tea Drink 农夫山泉
【 NONGFU SPRING Cha Pai Drink 农夫山泉 茶兀 果味茶饮料 】 Weight 净含量:500ml. Country of Origin 原产地:China 中国. Shelf Life 保质期:9 months. Flavour 口味 【Expiry Date 保质期】: 1) Lemon Red Tea 柠檬红茶【EXP: 14/12/2022】 2) Peach Oolong Tea 蜜桃乌龙茶【EXP: 29/01/2023】
Cha Pai Fruit Tea Bottle Drink - Pomelo Jasmine - NTUC FairPrice
Chai Po's fruit tea drink is a natural and fresh tasting beverage, brewed from a mixture of tea and fruit. This particular blend of grapefruit and jasmine perfectly compliments each other to provides a fruity and floral fragrance.
- 评论数: 16
茶派|优惠推荐 - 虾皮马来西亚 - 2025年01月 - Shopee Malaysia
READY STOCK!!! 农夫山泉|茶兀果茶系列|Nongfu Spring Cha Pai Cha Pie|茶π 茶派 Fruit Tea (整箱500mlx15罐) / (整箱250mlx12罐)