Cerite - Wikipedia
Cerite is a complex silicate mineral group containing cerium, formula (Ce,La,Ca) 9 (Mg,Fe 3+)(Si O 4) 6 (SiO 3 OH)(OH) 3. [3] The cerium and lanthanum content varies with the Ce rich species (cerite-(Ce)) and the La rich species (cerite-(La)). [5] [6] Analysis of a sample from the Mountain Pass carbonatite gave 35.05% Ce 2 O 3 and 30.04% La 2 O ...
40 Facts About Cerite
Nov 30, 2024 · Ever heard of Cerite? This mineral might not be as famous as gold or diamonds, but it holds its own charm. Found mainly in Sweden, Cerite is a silicate mineral
Mineral Group: Cerite supergroup, cerite group. Occurrence: In rare-earth-bearing hydrothermal quartz-barite-carbonatite veins in shonkinite (Mountain Pass, California, USA). Association: Bastnäsite, allanite, epidote, monazite, törnebohmite, fluorite, uraninite, barite, quartz, galena.
Cerite - Wikiwand
Cerite is a complex silicate mineral group containing cerium, formula (Ce,La,Ca)9(Mg,Fe3+)(SiO4)6(SiO3OH)(OH)3. The cerium and lanthanum content varies with the...
Cerite: a new supergroup of minerals and cerite-(La) renamed ...
Dec 28, 2020 · The cerite supergroup (Atencio and Azzi, 2020) consists of two groups of isostructural trigonal R3c (no. 161) minerals , namely, cerite (silicates) and merrillite (phosphates) groups.
Cerite - Encyclopedia
Cerite is a group of rare earth silicates of nepheline syenites and more generally of undersaturated alkaline rock massifs, in which it is frequently associated with other rare earth minerals such as bastnäsite or allanite, sometimes uraninite and epidote. It is called cerite-(CeCa) or ferricerite-(LaCa) depending on the dominant rare earth ...
Synthesis of Cerite - PMC - National Center for Biotechnology …
The compositional range for cerite, and its phase relation to the silicate apatites are established in terms of ionic radii of rare-earth and divalent ions. The proposed formula for cerite on the basis of isomorphism with whitlockite, Ca 3 (PO 4) 2, is discussed.
Cerite: a new supergroup of minerals and cerite-(La) renamed ...
The cerite supergroup is established and includes the cerite group (silicates) and merrillite group (phosphates). Cerite-group minerals are cerite-(Ce), ferricerite-(La), aluminocerite-(Ce) and taipingite-(Ce).
Cerite [later renamed cerite- (Ce)] was the first mineral to be described. Therefore, it gives its name to the supergroup and also to the group composed of silicates.
Cerite (Cerite) - Rock Identifier
Cerite is a complex silicate mineral group containing cerium, formula (Ce,La,Ca)9(Mg,Fe)(SiO4)6(SiO3OH)(OH)3. The cerium and lanthanum content varies with the Ce rich species (cerite-(Ce)) and the La rich species (cerite-(La)).