Cdim (5) - YourGuitarChords
Also known as Cdim chord Cdim – C diminished
C-DIM5 | DIM-C-pPhOCH3 | Nur77 agonist | Axon 2828 - Axon …
C-DIM5 is a Nur77 agonist. Activation of the orphan nuclear receptor Nur77 by C-DIM5 is associated with decreased cancer cell survival, induction of apoptosis, induced expression of the apoptosis gene/protein TRAIL, and inhibited tumor growth in vivo.
Cdim5 Chord - JGuitar
JGuitar's handy chord search utility allows you to quickly draw chord diagrams for virtually any chord symbol. Just enter one or more chord symbols separated by commas into the search box and hit "Go" and JGuitar will draw chord diagrams for each of the chord symbols entered. The following chord symbols were not understood.
C-DIM5 - Biochemicals - CAT N°: 27980 - Bertin Bioreagent
C-DIM5 is a para-phenyl-substituted diindolylmethane (C-DIM) and an agonist of the orphan receptor nuclear receptor-related protein 77 (Nur77). {49136} It selectively activates Nur77 over peroxisome proliferator receptor ?
世联博研公司现货供应axonmedchem品牌订货号为Axon 2828 CAS …
C-DIM5 induces G0-G1–phase to S-phase arrest in Panc1 cells, and this is accompanied by Nur77-dependent induction of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21. KEYWORDS: C-DIM5 | supplier | Nur77 agonist | DIM-C-pPhOCH3 | CDIM5 | CAS [33985-68-1] | Intracellular Transcription Factors | Nurr | Agonist | Receptors | TRAIL: 产品价格
Cdim Ukulele Chord (Position #5)
Cdim (Position #5): triad (diminished) uke chord, played '8,x,8,9' on the soprano
Cdim Ukulele Chord
Played 'x323' on the soprano - Standard Tuning (GCEA). Don't know how to read a chord? Read this first. The first thing to notice about Cdim is that it has a muted string. When strumming you will either want to avoid playing the G string, or you can touch it …
Cdim7 add (#5) Guitar Chord | C diminished seventh add #5
The C diminished seventh add #5 Chord for Guitar has the notes C Eb Gb G# Bbb and interval structure 1 m3 b5 #5 bb7 and has 4 possible voicings/fret configurations. Cdim7 add (#5) for Guitar has the notes C Eb Gb G# Bbb and can be played 4 different ways.
N-取代-5- ( (4-取代嘧啶-2-基)氨基)-1H-吲哚-2-甲酰胺衍生物
Jan 18, 2023 · 例如nur77拮抗剂cdim衍生物(cdim5,cdim8)促进癌细胞凋亡、抑制其迁移;nur77激动剂cytosporone b、sk07、apaensin、malayoside等通过介导nur77线粒体定位,调控nur77-bcl2相互作用,促进细胞色素c释放,进而诱导癌细胞凋亡和抑制肿瘤的生长。
喝咖啡 聊音樂: 減七和弦 (Diminished Seventh) - Blogger
May 4, 2007 · 減七和弦的音程關係是 1 b3 b5 bb7, 四個組成音剛好將一個八度分成四等分. 換句話說, 以 Cdim7 來說, 其組成音是 C Eb Gb Bbb, 同時有四個同音異名的兄弟姊妹: 這四個和弦有著不同樣的名稱, 但是其組成音其實都是一樣的. 不同的是組成音的次序不同. 記憶減七和弦的方式: 記憶上, 減七和弦可以從 屬七和弦 (Dominant Seventh) 來記憶. 因為除了根音, 其他三個音剛好是跟屬七和弦差一個半音. 紅色的地方剛好差一個半音. 所以記憶的方式通常就是 ... 原和弦的屬七和 …