How to call virtual function of derived class through base class …
A base class pointer (CBase*) can point to an object of a type derived from CBase (like CChild). That's not what you've done, though: your base class pointer points to a base class object. …
abc interface inheritance and re-exposing methods in base class
2011年3月16日 · If I understand correctly you want to make ibase a virtual base class of iderived and cbase. This was there is only one instance of each of your interface classes in the class …
Any way to use base constructor in derived class?
2016年12月8日 · After using C# for the past decade or two, my C++ has gone a little rusty. If I have the following: class CBase { public: CBase(LPCTSTR pszArg1, LPCTSTR pszArg2, …
object slicing - Why does returning a virtual class *by value* in …
2020年8月6日 · In the following code I return a derived class CDerived by-value from a function returning its base class, CBase. For example purposes, CDerived contains a _number field, …
Calling derived class through base class function pointer
2016年6月6日 · In this case, we're converting a pointer to member of CDerived of type void() to a poitner to member of CBase ov type void(). CBase is a base of the class containing the …
How to generate a violation caused by 'novtable' in MSVC?
2011年11月21日 · In this case - for sure it will be CBase::f(), so there's no need from access to the virtual table. And second, you need explicit call to the function, because if the call is from …
C++ converting reference to base pointer to reference to derived ...
2014年6月9日 · To return a reference, it must be a reference to a particular object. A cDerived*& must refer to an actual cDerived* (i.e. it must be an lvalue).
How to check if C++ abstract method is defined at runtime
2010年11月30日 · Assuming you remember to make do1() virtual you could check &ABase::do1, &BBase::do1 and &CBase::do1 at runtime. I am not convinced that comparing &ABase::do1 …
c++ - Safe way to initialize a derived class - Stack Overflow
2009年9月15日 · Now available on Stack Overflow for Teams! AI features where you work: search, IDE, and chat. Learn more Explore Teams
How to call Base class method through base class pointer pointing …
2012年12月22日 · class Base { public: virtual void foo() {} }; class Derived: public Base { public: virtual void foo() {} }; int main() { Base *pBase = NULL; Base objBase; Derived