Catznip or Firestorm? - Second Life Server
Aug 16, 2018 · She does a great job answering the above question. I don't know what the different is between firestorm and Citznip is. What I do know is my user name password did not work. Not sure if Catznip has to have its own or what. Like I've posted before, I had to download Firestorm only to because of RLV having to do so. From there I came across, Catznip.
Textures are blurry in CATZNIP and LOVENCE VIEWER
Oct 13, 2024 · CATZNIP and Lovense viewer have excellent performance. The whole issue is the bug of textures that frequently blur. The Kirstens viewer, with the same graphic quality as the viewers above, presents a reasonable performance. There are no bugs in the textures. However, it is far from having the same fluidity as CATZNIP and Lovense.
CATZNIP viewer - some basic questions/ discussion - Second Life
Sep 15, 2020 · I have heard CATZNIP viewer is 'better' for heavy shoppers like myself. questions: - Is there were any very specific opinions as to why CATZNIP is better for shoppers? - I would also like to know if anyone can share with me a few great things about CATZNIP and a few bad things about CATZNIP? - How is the SEARCH feature for inventory using CATZNIP?
Certain Textures Not Loading in Catznip Viewer - Second Life
Aug 8, 2024 · I'm trying to figure out why certain textures in Catznip are not loading (they just show up as a wooden prim) and some objects don't rez properly even from a short distance until you get pretty much right on top of it. I only just moved over to Catznip from Firestorm as Firestorm is really causing me some issues in certain sims.
Trying to download Catznip - Second Life Viewer
May 9, 2024 · Trying to download Catznip Trying to download Catznip. By BraveHot May 9, 2024 in Second Life Viewer. Share
Catznip R12 3 - Second Life Viewer - Second Life Community
Oct 20, 2019 · Also Catznip still has their R12 2 version on the web site which is a Non-BoM viewer if I am not mistaken. Download that and give that a try as well. I'll downgrade in a heartbeat if I need to for performance gain.
i am new to catznip, and more then half of my inventory is missing …
Nov 9, 2012 · Make sure that Catznip isn't sharing a cache folder with any other viewers. If necessary, set up a cache by going to Me>Preferences>Advanced and changing the cache location there. While logged out, go to the cache location (by default it's at C:\Users\[Windows account name]\AppData\Local\Catznip in Windows 7).
Mesh Upload and rendering broken on standard clients but not …
Oct 10, 2013 · Why on earth would one viewer, Catznip render rigged mesh correctly at various detail levels on various computers with vastly different hardware configurations? (AMD, NVIDIA, INTEL) However when upload the mesh on the standard client, phoenix, and firestorm and so on it encounters random weighting issues.
Texturas apresentam mau carregamento no Visualizador Catznip
Feb 25, 2023 · Ola amores tudo bem? Estou com a ultima versão do visualizador CATZNIP porém ele tem apresentado uma anomalia aqui muito esquisita. As texturas nem sempre carregam corretamente. Não sei se isso é culpa da minha placa de vídeo, da internet ou do visualizador em si. Alguém mais passa por isso? Aqui...
Second Life (and Catznip too) crashes in busy places on specific ...
Sep 16, 2013 · I have started getting regular crashes in busy places. This happens with both stock SL and Catznip, and started around the time Server Side Appearance was deployed (I did get some crashed before but much more rarely). Crashes seem to be hardware related, as another laptop with the same software runs fine. The affected PC is a 2006 laptop.