動作片都不會錯!曬射擊照「瞄準鏡卻裝反」 美海軍艦長遭解職
2024年9月4日 · 美國海軍今年4月發布一張照片,顯示伯克級驅逐艦(Arleigh Burke class destroyer)「約翰·S·麥肯號驅逐艦」(USS John S. McCain)中校艦長 亞斯特 (Cameron Yaste)手持步槍射擊畫面,但被發現瞄準鏡根本裝反,淪為外界笑柄;美媒透露,亞斯特8月底已遭解職,並可能面臨降級處分。 《美聯社》報導,美國海軍官方IG...
CDR Cameron Yaste - Naval Surface Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet
2022年6月22日 · Commander Cameron Yaste is a native of Knoxville, TN, and a graduate of The Citadel with a Bachelor of Arts in History earning a commission through NROTC in 2006. He also attended the Naval Post
美海軍宣傳照出包被諷「沒用過步槍?」 傳美驅逐艦艦長遭撤職 | 美國新聞 | 全球 | 聯合新聞網
2024年9月4日 · 美國 海軍驅逐艦「馬侃號」的中校艦長葉斯特(Cameron Yaste)4月拍了一張持步槍射擊的宣傳照,卻被抓包瞄準鏡前後顛倒。這樁糗事發生大約4個月後 ...
Commander of Navy warship relieved after rifle scope photo – …
2024年9月3日 · The Navy said Cameron Yaste, commanding officer of the destroyer USS John McCain, was relieved of duty “due to a loss of confidence in his ability to command the guided-missile destroyer”...
Navy commander relieved of duty after firing rifle with scope ... - NPR
2024年9月4日 · Cameron Yaste, the commander of a Navy destroyer in the Middle East, has been relieved of duty about four months after he was seen in a photo firing a rifle with a scope mounted backward.
Hạm trưởng Mỹ mất chức sau sự cố ngắm súng ngược
2024年9月4日 · Chỉ huy tàu khu trục Mỹ bị miễn nhiệm, 4 tháng sau khi xuất hiện ảnh ông cầm súng trường lắp ngược ống ngắm, khiến hải quân bị chế giễu. San Diego Union-Tribune ngày 2/9 cho biết trung tá Cameron Yaste, chỉ huy khu trục hạm mang tên lửa dẫn đường USS John McCain, mất chức hôm 30/8.
Navy fires captain of USS John S. McCain for “loss of confidence”
2024年8月30日 · Cmdr. Cameron Yaste, who has commanded the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer since October 2023, was relieved of command during its current deployment in the Middle East, where it has been...
From Scope Fail to Relief of Command: Commander Yaste Sent
2024年9月1日 · Commander Cameron Yaste has been relieved of his command of the USS John S. McCain (DDG-56) due to a “loss of confidence in his ability to command,” according to a statement from the U.S. Navy...
American destroyer captain relieved of duty - UK Defence Journal
2024年9月2日 · In a recent announcement from the U.S. Navy, it was confirmed that the commanding officer of USS John S. McCain, Cmdr. Cameron Yaste, has been relieved of his duties due to a “loss of confidence” in his ability to command the guided-missile destroyer.
The Navy 'Relieved a Total of 16 Commanding Officers of …
2024年9月5日 · But Cameron Yaste, the commanding officer of the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS John McCain (DDG-56), was relieved from his post for a photo of him with an M4 assault rifle ...