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  1. Calcium Channel Blockers: Types, Uses and Side Effects - Cleveland …

    • Calcium channel blockers are a group of medications that limit how your body uses the essential mineral calcium. Because your heart and circulatory system need calcium to function, these medications trea… See more

    How Do They Work?

    Calcium is an electrolyte, which means it has a positive charge when it’s dissolved in water. Your body uses ions (atoms with an electrical charge) in electrolytes to transport things into … See more

    Cleveland Clinic
    What Conditions Are Treated by This Class of medication?

    Calcium channel blockers' main uses are to treat heart and circulatory conditions. In … See more

    Cleveland Clinic
    Are Calcium Channel Blockers Commonly prescribed?

    Calcium channel blockers are very commonly prescribed, especially for high blood pressure. Millions of adults in the United States receive a prescription for a calcium ch… See more

    Cleveland Clinic
    Are There Different Types of Calcium Channel Blockers?

    Calcium channel blockers come in two main types. 1. Dihydropyridines(pronounced dy-hy-dro-py-rid-eens). These target blood vessels and cause the… See more

    Cleveland Clinic