What do you feed Calci worms? | Chameleon Forums
2010年10月15日 · Hi everyone, Ive just ordered my chams some Calci worms/grubs & they love them I dont know what to feed them on thou or wheather they need any food. Also can I feed them to juveniles are they hard to digest? Thanks so much Heatherxxx
Calci-worms? - Chameleon Forums
2010年1月16日 · i ditto that , calci worms (aka pheonix worms) are the larval form of the black soldier fly (hermetia illucens), they are quite small , very expensive and the only chams i have ever had that showed any interest in them were neonates [cost aside, probably not a bad food for neonates (nutritionally they have a higher calcium to phosphorus ratio than most feeders, a …
Info on Wax Worms and Calci worms pls? | Chameleon Forums
2013年1月8日 · Calci-Worms (Hermetia illucens - same species as Phoenix Worms) Calci-Worms (same species as Phoenix Worms just a different brand name)naturally have 23 to 61 times more calcium than other commonly fed feeder insects! Calci-Worms are ready to serve when you take them home. There's no need to dust or gut load these insects before feeding your pet.
Supplements and Calci Worms | Chameleon Forums
2016年9月28日 · im getting my baby Panther chameleon in 9 days and have heard calci worms are good for chams. So was just wondering if these will be okay to feed every day along side locusts. Also can anyone recommend a good website to order them from (UK). Next question... what supplements do you use? I...
Black soldier flies / Calci Worms - Chameleon Forums
2019年8月16日 · 2)yes they are composters so they will eat just about anything soft that they can tunnel through. The mistake people make is thinking that because something is eating a food that it is being gutloaded. Worms just have a straight line of a digestive tract making their gutload abilities inferior to crickets or roaches.
Are Calci Worms ok to feed to my chameleon?
2015年8月6日 · Calici worms, phoenix worms, reptiworms all the same and all very good for the cham. I order them by the hundred. I put them in a small critter keeper with fruit or other veggies and let them have at it.
Calci worms into bs flys? | Chameleon Forums
2013年8月2日 · I just picked up some calci worms from a local pet store and I noticed that there were no larvae in there just the black larvae before they turn into flys. Is there anything I can do to make sure they all turn into flys? And about how long does it take for them to do this?
Calci worms hatching to soldier flies | Chameleon Forums
2014年2月18日 · Hey guys, was going to buy some calci worms for my little guy and since they hatch into soldier flies which would be another good insect to add to the list of what I give him. So I was wondering if there was any guides on the pupate process I can read or if any off you guys have any tips or no...
Phoenix worms, calci worms, repti worms - don't buy them, culture …
2013年3月24日 · I've seen a lot of people here relying on so called "Repti-worms", "calci-worms" or "phoenix worms". I've seen 500 of the large ones go for as much as 50$. That's just absurd in my opinion, and looking at how long they've been around, and how dead easy they are to culture, along with their nutrition, I've always wondered why so few people in ...
Calci worms - Chameleon Forums
2013年7月27日 · Calci worms. Thread starter Rango220; Start date Jul 27, 2013; Rango220 New Member. Jul 27, 2013 #1 Are ...